Japanese Cultural Society of Maui rings in the Year of the Rabbit

Hawaii Independent Staff

MAUI—The Japanese Cultural Society of Maui (JCSM) will welcome the Year of the Rabbit at its annual Shinnen Enkai (New Year) dinner on Saturday, January 29 at the elleair Rainbow Room at the Maui Beach Hotel. The Shinnen Enkai will begin at 5:00 p.m. with the traditional otoso (sake welcome) with no-host cocktail hour to follow. Dinner is scheduled for 6:00 p.m.

Cost for the buffet dinner is $45, $20 for children ages 6-10, and free for children ages 5 and under. JCSM dues paying members will receive a $5 cash rebate on the evening of the event. Tickets are available through the Maui Box Shop and Credit Associates in Wailuku Party Paradise in the Maui Mall, Sanrio at Queen Kaahumanu Center, and Omochaya in Pukalani.

The event will highlight the past year’s events and programs sponsored by JCS Maui and will feature performances by professional Japanese dancer and vocalist Dazzman Toguchi and vocalist Neal Yamamura formerly of Haiku.

Leonard Oka and Hideko Zwick will be honored as the JCS Maui Nihon Bunka Awardees for 2011. Selected by the JCS Maui board, Oka and Zwick are credited with tireless dedication in helping the Japanese culture to flourish on Maui.

For 30 years, Oka has dedicated himself to ensuring a lasting remembrance of the Japanese American soldiers of World War II. He founded Maui’s Sons and Daughers of the 442nd, the first such organization of its kind in the nation. Oka was also one of the driving forces behind the formation of the Nisei Veterans Memorial Center, spearheaded the Sho Chiku Bai cultural celebration held in 1994 at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center, organized the performance of “The Gate of Heaven” about the friendship between a Nisei veteran and a Jewish internee from the Dachau death camp, worked with Maui writer Rita Goldman in developing the award-winning book Every Grain of Rice: Portraits of Maui’s Japanese Community, and coordinates the annual Chrysanthemum Festival.

Since moving to Maui six years ago, Zwick has worked to spread the art of ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement) throughout the community. Having taught more than 100 students, Zwick participated in the annual Maui Matsuri, annually provides flowers for JCS Maui events, provides flowers for the annual Nisei Veterans dinner, participates in Girl’s Day celebrations, and recently agreed to serve as a mentor to a high school student who has chosen ikebana for her senior project. Recognized internationally by the Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Japan, Zwick holds the third highest rank for international teachers.

The event will also have a silent auction with proceeds going toward the club’s various projects.

To make a donation to the silent auction, call Yuki Lei Sugimura at (808) 870-8047.

JCSM will also arrange to dress attendees who wish to wear kimono. To schedule kimono dressing held during the afternoon of the event, call Kay Fukumoto at (808) 283-9999. For more information on the Japanese Cultural Society of Maui Shinnen Enkai dinner, call co-chair Sugimura at (808) 283-9999.