Hack to the Future II

As part of the National Day of Civic Hacking, the Hawaii Brigade of Code for America is throwing their second Hack to the Future event at the end of this month.

Will Caron

On May 31, the Code for Hawaii Brigade invites civic and technology-minded citizens to participate in a day of workshops, prototyping and civic hacks at Iolani School’s Sullivan Center.

“We will use this day to build capacity and brainstorm projects to infuse government with civic innovation,” reads a post on Bytemarks, the blog run primarily by Code for Hawaii Brigade member Burt Lum. “Citizen engagement is taking hold in our community so let’s focus on what we can accomplish in 2014.”

The National Day of Civic Hacking is actually an international event taking place from May 31–June 1 in cities around the world. The event brings together citizens, software developers and entrepreneurs to collaboratively create and build new solutions using publicly-released data, code and technology to improve communities and the governments that serve them.

The agenda for Hawaii’s Hack to the Future II is as follows:

Welcome/Registration, 9:30–10am
Tri-Track Workshops, 10am–noon
1. D3 Visualization
2. Data graphs & analysis
3. Mapping
Lunch, 12:30–1pm
Civic Hacking, 1–3pm
Show and Tell, 3–3:30pm
Pub Networking (TBD), 4pm–???