Civil unions bill back on the Senate floor, if approved in its current form will head to governor

Update: Senate vote pushed back till Wednesday, February 16

Hawaii Independent Staff

Update: The Senate deferred its vote on the bill until Wednesday, February 16 to provide more time for consideration.

HONOLULU—The Hawaii State Senate is currently hearing Senate Bill 232, a civil unions bill that passed through the House last week.

If the bill in its current form, SB232 SD1 HD1, is accepted by the Senate, it will head to Gov. Neil Abercrombie for his signature.

To read SB232 SD1 HD1, click here

The purpose of the bill is to “statutorily establish civil unions in Hawaii, and in so doing provide partners to a civil union the same rights, benefits, and responsibilities granted under chapter 572, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS).” The intent of the bill is not to revise the definition or eligibility requirements of marriage under chapter 572, HRS.

Testimony in support of the bill was sent by the Governor, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, Hawaii Civil Rights Commission, Progressive Democrats of Hawaii, University of Hawaii Professional Assembly, American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii, GLBT Caucus, Japanese Americans Citizens League, Private Work Hawaii, Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Oahu, Honolulu Pride, Planned Parenthood Hawaii, Americans for Democratic Action, Hawaii Alliance for Retired Americans, Lambda Legal, Equality Hawaii, Integrity Hawaii, Hawaii State AFL-CIO, Unite Here Local 5, ILWU Local 142, Da Moms, American Friends Service Committee, Mestizo Association, Holy Innocents Episcopal Church, Lambda Law Student Association, Hawaii State Democratic Women’s Caucus, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Both Sides Now, Citizens for Equal Rights, XYZ Gay-Straight Alliance of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Le Jardin Gay-Straight Alliance, a member of the Board of Education, and concerned individuals.

Hawaii Citizens for the Separation of Church and State, Hawaii Family Forum, Hawaii Catholic Conference, Pro-Family Hawaii, and a large multitude of concerned individuals opposed the measure.

Amendments to the bill made by the House Committee on Judiciary included:

* Adding three new sections to specifically include civil unions and the partners to a civil union in the application of chapters 231 (administration of taxes), 235 (income taxes), and 236D (estate and transfer tax), HRS.

* Specifically granting jurisdiction over all proceedings relating to the annulment, divorce, and separation of civil unions to the family court of each circuit.

* Clarifying that for a civil union entered into in a jurisdiction other than Hawaii to be recognized, it must have been performed in accordance with the laws of the other jurisdiction and can be documented.

* Codifying the references and inclusions provision for the terms denoting family and spousal relationships in the new chapter establishing civil unions; and

* Making technical, nonsubstantive revisions for the purposes of clarity, consistency, and style.

If the Senate does not agree to the current amended form of the bill, a committee meeting will be set to discuss proposed changes.

To see the rest of the Senate’s Order of the Day for February 14, click here