City smoke testing sewer pipes in Kaneohe this week

Hawaii Independent Staff

HONOLULU—The City’s Department of Environmental Services (ENV) will smoke test a portion of the wastewater collection system in Waikapoki from Tuesday, July 26 to Friday, July 29.

The daytime testing is part of ENV’s preventative maintenance program to prevent rainwater from entering the sewer system. ENV crews pump smoke into sewer pipes, examine whether smoke escapes and record its location. The smoke used is non-toxic, harmless, and has minimal odor. The smoke is neither a fire hazard nor health hazard to humans or pets.

Tests locate broken pipes, illegal connections, open cleanouts and other paths for runoff to enter the sewer system. Runoff from heavy rain can overwhelm and surcharge the sewer system and treatment plants, causing sanitary sewer overflows.

Residents and affected businesses will be notified by mail and door notices a few days before testing begins. In addition, ENV will notify Fire and Police communications centers at the beginning of each testing day.