Castle Medical Center offers six-week program to kick the smoking habit

Hawaii Independent Staff

Breathe Free Plan to Stop Smoking is a comprehensive, six-week program with free nicotine patches and lozenges aimed to help Hawaii smokers kick the habit.

The program begins Tuesday, July 20 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Castle Medical Center’s Wellness Center Auditorium. This total lifestyle approach to quit smoking helps prevent weight gain and effectively manage stress.

Insurance accepted and are scholarships available. If you are an HMSA subscriber, HMSA may cover all or part of the cost of the class. To arrange for this, call HMSA’s Ready-Set-Quit program at (808) 952-4416 and tell them you have registered for Castle’s Breathe Free Plan to Stop Smoking.

Attendees must pre-register.

The total cost for the program without insurance or scholarship is $120 for the eight sessions.

To register, call (808) 263-5400 or visit

Breathe Free Plan to Stop Smoking
Wellness Center Auditorium
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Medical Plaza and Wellness Center
(building in front left of Castle Medical Center, 640 Ulukahiki Street)
8 sessions: Tuesdays, July 20 and 27; Monday to Thursday, August 2 to 5; and Tuesdays, August 10 and 24 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.