“Beaches should not be used for profit”

Kailua residents are organizing to prevent commercial activities at area beaches.

Chris Delaunay

Bill 11 will be heard soon by the Parks and Cultural Affairs Committee, Honolulu City Council. Currently, Bill 11 would allow tourist buses to drop off tourist at Kailua Beach Park, and it would allow for four vendor permits to be issued at our beach parks – two at Kalama Beach Park and two at Kailua Beach Park.

Our beach parks should be a place for recreational activities and families. They should not be used for profit. We need beach parks to be a place where our families can all go and get away from commercial activity, especially since we already have a commercial center in Kailua town.

On Friday, March 30th, at 4 p.m. the Kailua community will bring their message to a sign-waving event across the street from Castle Hospital along Kailua Road. Our message is simple. We want the Parks and Cultural Affairs Committee to change Bill 11 to say the following:

1) there shall be no tourist buses dropping off tourists at Kailua Beach Park or Kalama Beach Park, and;

2) there shall be no vendor permits issued for Kailua Beach Park or Kalama Beach Park.