Another investigation debunks ‘birther’ claims, Abercrombie talks about baby Obama on CNN

Hawaii Independent Staff

A new CNN investigation reveals what most analysts have been saying since the so-called “birther” controversy erupted during the 2008 presidential campaign: President Barrack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii on August 4, 1961. Period. Los Angeles Times reports.

In an interview with CNN, Gov. Neil Abercrombie talked about his memories of President Obama as an infant in Honolulu. Abercrombie, a Democrat, was friends with both Barack Obama Senior and Ann Dunham at the University of Hawaii, and remembers celebrating the birth of their son.

In recent months, Donald Trump has fired up a “birther”-style suspicion regarding whether or not Obama was born in the United States, telling Fox News he was “really concerned” about Obama’s citizenship, and adding that “I’m starting to wonder myself whether or not [Obama] was born in this country.” CBS News reports.