Abercrombie picks up another endorsement

The Seafarers International Union endorses Governor Abercrombie.

Will Caron

From the press release:

HONOLULU (June 17, 2014) – The Seafarers International Union of North America, AFL­-CIO, the largest North American union representing merchant mariners, is endorsing Governor Neil Abercrombie in his 2014 campaign for reelection. There are approximately 1,000 Seafarers International Union members in Hawai‘i.

“Through Governor Abercrombie’s outstanding record as a legislator and chief executive, he has a long history of support and dedication to the U.S. Merchant Marines and to Hawai‘i’s working families. He has fought to protect the Jones Act, the Maritime Security Program and our cargo preference laws,” said Michael Sacco, president of the Seafarers International Union. “We are proud to offer our endorsement for his reelection.”

“Our members recognize Governor Abercrombie’s decades of public service and tireless work to advance the lives of merchant mariners in the islands,” said Hazel Galbiso, Port Agent. “He continues to fight for us and all of Hawai‘i’s working families.”

“I am honored to have the support of the Seafarers International Union,” said Governor Abercrombie. “The men and women aboard these vessels work hard to meet Hawai‘i’s freight demands. Their efforts support the state’s economy and provide an important lifeline to and from the U.S. mainland.”

Governor Abercrombie took office in December 2010. He has since turned state finances around, led Hawai‘i out of a recession and invested in modernizing our infrastructure, which has created jobs and reduced unemployment. Hawai‘i now has a strong foundation to advance education for our keiki, improve benefits and services for our seniors and expand stewardship of the environment.