Even back in 2009, students at UH supported gay marriage equality (over 600 students came to protest an anti-gays rally at campus center). Photo by Kent Nishimura

Abercrombie calls a special session

Press Release
Hawaii Independent Staff

Get ready: the Governor is calling the legislature into special session on October 28 to consider same-sex marriage.

He released the following statement today:

Hawai’i is ready for marriage equity.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act, the law barring the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages legalized by the states, was unconstitutional. In essence, the court’s ruling also enables states across the country to address the right to marry.

I am calling for a special legislative session because we must ensure the civil rights of every citizen are protected. There is no reason to deny the benefits of marriage to any individual. Marriage is a choice that is made by people who want to make a lifelong commitment. This is a right that is as sacred as our right to vote.

I am asking legislators to vote during the special session to allow same-sex couples to be legally married in the state of Hawai’i.

This is a civil right, and it can no longer be denied. I’ve held firmly to this belief in my life and political career. One of the lessons learned from the civil rights movement is that to achieve success in the fight for justice, we should not and cannot wait to correct a wrong.

Now is the time to make this right.