Wahiawa-Whitmore Village Neighborhood Board discusses traffic safety, loitering at baseball field
The Wahiawa-Whitmore Village Neighborhood Board held their monthly meeting on Monday, August 16 at the Wahiawa Recreation Center. Various community issues were discussed, including reports from councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz’s office and resident’s concerns.
Officer Eric Brown from the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) reported 31 thefts, 19 burglaries, 18 unauthorized entry into motor vehicles, and 4 graffiti incidents for August.
Late night loitering at the Whitmore Kanekahi Baseball Field was discussed, and it was expressed that HPD is facilitating the problem with the sub-stations and that they respond to calls immediately if officers are “not tending to more serious incidents.”
Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz reported the following information:
* City Council Bill 34—The bill relating to regulating fireworks.
* Kilani Avenue Crosswalk—A request for service regarding the lights at the crosswalk was filed with the City Department of Transportation Services.
* California Avenue Sign Repair—The City Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will repair and paint the sign by October 9.
* Kukui Street—A study was being done regarding a crosswalk.
* City Park—DPR will also repair broken guardrails.
The Board is on recess for September, and will meet next on Monday, October 18 at 7:00 p.m. at the Whitmore Community Park gym.
Complete meeting minutes follows:
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ben Acohido called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.; with a quorum of six members present. Note – this nine (9) member Board requires five (5) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.
Members Present – Ben Acohido, Joeseph Francher, Jeanne Ishikawa, Silvia Koch, Mary Jane Lee, and Robert Lormand
Members Absent – Cindy Bauer, Dean Harvest, and Hugh Lowery
Vacancies – The Board has no current vacancy.
Guests – Councilmembers Donovan Dela Cruz and Rod Tam, Officer Eric Brown (Honolulu Police Department), Miquel Macias (US Navy), John Lee, Randall Kamisato, Tom Oyasato, Mr. and Mrs. Dela Cruz, Wilfred Pormedo, Pua Young, Ben shafer, Carolyn Steuer, Texane Moore, Gerald Hagino, Kristen Kollioan, Randy Gillespe, Wil Kane, Judy Ott, Libby Smith, Randy Iwase, Terry Tanaka, Kristina Delean, Henry Kojima, Ernie Martin, Kim Ribellia (Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz’s senior advisor), Thomas Young (Board of Water Supply), Mike Lyons (Chair, North Shore Neighborhood Board No. 27), Mary Chanel-Benjamin (Neighborhood Commission Office)
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – There was no reported available.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Officer Eric Brown reported the following information:
August 2010 Statistics – There were 31 thefts, 19 burglaries, 18 unauthorized entry into motor vehicles, and 4 graffiti.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Whitmore Kanekahi Baseball Field – The field continues to experience late night loitering; there are no lights at the park. HPD is facilitating the problem with the sub-stations; HPD responds to calls immediately if officers are not tending more serious incidents.
Burglaries & Thefts – Violations reported combine commercial and residential complaints. HPD was commended for responding quickly to prevent a crime.
Graffiti – Reports both include the violator and the suspected violator. Violators are arrested; their ‘tags’ are photographed and can be traced.
Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz reported the following information:
Bill 34 – The bill relating to regulating fireworks will be heard in third reading at the next full Council meeting on Wednesday, September 1, 2010.
Kilani Avenue Crosswalk – A request for service regarding the lights at the crosswalk was filed with the City Department of Transportation Services.
California Avenue Sign Repair – The City Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will repair and paint the sign by October 9, 2010.
Kukui Street – A study was being done regarding a crosswalk.
City Park – DPR will also repair broken guardrails.
Reach Councilmember Dela Cruz at 768-5002 or by email at dmdelacruz@honolulu.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Road Contracts – Permits to begin the work on California and Olive avenues should be issued to begin work by October 2010.
Horses – Housing horses on agriculture land can be confirmed with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
YMCA Building – The property was currently being prep for sale by the developer.
The United States Air Force reported deployments continued while some brigades are returning home from combat.
The United States Navy Officer Miquel Macias reported it will hold a job fair on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at Club Pearl at the Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Visit www.JEMSjobs.com or call warfighter family services at 474-1999, 449-0300 or, 257-7790. M. Macias also thanked the Board for serving the community; he will be relocating after tonight’s meeting.
· Film Crew – Filming continues in ‘off the map’ Whitmore and Wahiawa areas until the end of August 2010.
· Candidates Forum – There will be a candidate’s forum tonight after the regular Board meeting adjourns.
Committee of the Whole Meeting – The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, September 13, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at Wahiawa Recreation Center.
Regular Board Meeting – The next meeting is Monday, October 18, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Whitmore Community Park gym. The Board was in recess for Monday, September 20, 2010.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 7: 33 p.m.