Charter schools, suicide discussed at February Koolauloa Neighborhood Board meeting
The Koolauloa Neighborhood Board No. 28 held its regular meeting on Thursday, February 10 at the Hauula Community Center.
A large variety of issues were discuss among board and community members.
A petition to dissolve the Koolauloa Neighborhood Board was discussed. Signatures of 100 registered voters are needed for the petition and 98 have been verified. To sign the petition call Dotty at (808) 255-6944.
A new free public charter school is set to go in Hauula, the Hawaii Active Learning Academy. Their office has opened at Rainbow Castle in Hauula. They are taking registrations at the site at Rainbow Castle or online at The school doesn’t have a charter yet but it will hopefully be approved in late March. The school’s goal is to reach 250 students and to start with K-10 and move to K-12. The program will include both online and in-classroom with an emphasis on projects, science, family-involvement, art, music, drama, labs, debate and other areas to offer a wide choice of programs. The intent is to serve the students in Ko’olauloa area but it is open to all statewide. Every child will be given a computer
Suicide in the area was also discussed in relation to Dr. Preston Pita from the Kahuku Hospital report. Concerns were raised regarding the increase of suicide and attempts in Koolauloa. It was noted that schools are assisting through school projects, football clinics, awareness, prevention, and post prevention and that the area is on the top of the list with the highest suicide rate.
Reports indicate there were two suicide attempts in the week before the meeting took place and six in the previous six weeks. For more information or assistance, contact Dr. Pita at (808) 384-3741, email [email protected], or contact the Kahuku Hospital. Chair said the issue would be placed on the March 2011 board agenda for a presentation.
The full meeting minutes follow below.
CALL TO ORDER: Treasurer Moana Kalua`u called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., with a quorum of seven (7) members present. Note: This 11 member Board requires six (6) members for a quorum and to take official action.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Junior Primacio, John Elkington, Norman Kaluhiokalani (departed at 8:25 p.m.), Kela Miller, Richard Fale (arrived at 6:23 p.m.), Moana Kalua`u, Dotty Kelly-Paddock, Creighton Mattoon, Dee Dee Letts.
VACANCIES: One vacancy, Sub district 1 (Kahuku) to fill the seat vacated by Jimmy Leonardi.
GUESTS: Lt. Paul Yi (U.S. Army), Sgt. Mgr. Derrick Crawford (U.S. Army), Christina Crawford, Michael Dickerson, John Olszowka, Marvin Iseke, Bobby Ako, Barbara Kahana, Steve Hoag (Hawaii Reserves., Inc.), Sifa Tiuefi and Didi Herron (PCA), Firefighter 3 Kalu Wolfe (Honolulu Fire Department), Raynae Fonoimoana (Defend Oahu Coalition), Kanekoa Crabbe, Wren Wescoatt, Kekoa Kaluhiwa, Pat Leary (First Wind), Flora Obayashi (Rep. Wooley’s Office staff), Veria Moore, Choon James, Michael Baleata, Lt. John Vines (Honolulu Police Department, Kaneohe-District 4), Mike Sakata (Councilmember Martin’s Office Staff), Councilmember Ernie Martin, Bryan Mick (Mayor’s Office), Barry Usagawa (Board of Water Supply, Fran Corcoran (Kahuku Public Library), Nola J. Frank (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): Firefighter 3 Wolfe reported:
January 2011 Statistics:
o Kahuku Fire Station – Included 1 wildland and 2 rubbish fires; 19 medical, 1 search/rescue, 3 miscellaneous, and 1 hazmat call.
o Hau`ula Fire Station – Included 1 structure, 1 wildland, and 2 rubbish fires; 27 medical, 3 search/rescue, 7 miscellaneous, and 1 hazmat calls.
o Kaaawa Fire Station – Included 2 structure fires; 8 medical, 2 search/rescue, and 5 miscellaneous calls.
Fire Safety Tip: Smoke alarms save lives and are an important part of a home fire escape plan. Properly installed and maintained smoke alarms have contributed to a 50% decrease in fire deaths. According to the National Fire Protection Association, occupants are twice as likely to survive a home fire if there are working smoke alarms. Do you have working smoke alarms in your home?
Smoke Alarm and Fire Safety Tips – 1) Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of the home, including the basement. 2) Test smoke alarms monthly as directed by the manufacturer. 3) Batteries should be replaced once a year. 4) Hardwired and interconnected are the best smoke alarms so that if one alarm detects smoke, all the house alarms are activated. These alarms have backup batteries that must be maintained. 5) .A safe meeting place outside the home should be designated and the family escape plan should be practiced.
Councilmember Ernie Martin: Mike Sakata circulated the written report and highlighted the following:
Requesting Kokololio Beach Park Kept Open – The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) are considering a Board’s resolution to keep the gates open.
Hau`ula Beach Park Camping Notification – A) After September 26, 2010 DPR staff was instructed to inform families using the temporary group campsite that permits for use would cease. The group camp site temporary site was allowed to continue due to the volume of requests. B) DPR concluded that usage of the group camp created concerns such as traffic congestion (inadequate parking), safety of campers walking along Kamehameha Highway to the restroom (to avoid walking through the group campsite), and the increased need to pump the septic tank because effluent levels threaten to spill out of the septic tanks. C) The number of campers exceeds the permitted numbers as family members and friends join the campers. D) Relocating this group campsite is not an option because of the continuing loss of park land to erosion. E) Group camping will continue to be allowed as specified in the DPR’s Camping Rules and Regulations.
Clearing of Mouths and Culverts – A) The City was recently informed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) that mechanical stream cleaning previously performed by the City was no longer authorized and may be considered a violation. B) USACE is working on reissuing a general permit which may allow some stream mouth opening operations to be performed; equipment will not be allowed in the stream area. The permit issuance may take three (3) months. C) An individual permit (issuance may take six to nine months) must be obtained for stream mouth openings requiring equipment within the stream area or below the mean high water. D) Emergency stream mouth openings may be allowed to prevent loss of life or substantial property damage; subject to review by the USACE. E) Residents may be allowed to clear the mouths of culverts using manual labor not regulated by the USACE. F) Contact: Thomas Takeuchi of the Division of Road Maintenance at 768-3600.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Cleaning of Stream Entrances – It was asked who to contact regarding mosquito problems, stagnant water, and foul odors at the streams. Sakata said that in most cases City and State try to work together on the problem. Contact the office with specific streams for follow up.
The meeting rules of speaking was read by Treasurer Kalua`u.
Cleaning of Streams and Drains – A) Comment was that it is also the responsibility of the land owner to clean areas near and at his/her property. If the streams and drains are cleaned by the community and the stagnant/dirty water is let out it is a violation of the clean water act. B) The City was assisting with the cleaning at the time of the request. However, it is a health and safety issue for the board to address. A permit is needed for the cleanup.
Mayor Peter Carlisle’s Representative: Bryan Mick reported the following:
State of the City Address – Mayor Peter Carlisle will give the State of the City Address on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.
Hau`ula Beach Park Camping – Family camping will continue to be permitted for up to 10 people per campsite. To prevent the park’s individual wastewater system from being over taxed, the total number of campers in the park on any given day needs to be reduced. Therefore, the temporary group campsite will no longer be permitted out. Families with more than 10 persons will need to secure the permits for additional campsites as available.
Envision Laie Clarification – The Envision Laie proposal is included in the Public Review Draft (PRD) of the Ko`olauloa sustainable communities Plan in response to the many Laie residents that attended and participated in Envision Laie (EL) meetings and voiced their support. The PRD represents a formal opportunity for the community to comment on this Laie proposal. There will be a final plan version developed after the public comment period. This final version will be sent to the City Planning Commission who will hold its own hearing, submit its recommendations to the City Council, who will make the decision on whether to adopt Envision Laie as part of the plan.
Clarification from Department of Planning & Permitting Director, David Tanoue’s Comment (“He doesn’t consider the merits of any development proposal”) – The initial evaluation of any project is whether or not it complies with applicable laws and regulations.
Request for Land in Area to Store Matson Container with Emergency Supplies – The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) previously informed Board member that the placement of a Matson container on park property was not acceptable use of the land which was acquired for recreational purposes. The city Department of emergency Management (DEM) does not own any land in the area.
Evacuation Points for the Hau`ula Community – BWS regretfully cannot grant requests to use access roads to any of its facilities as emergency evacuation points. During an emergency it is critical to BWS operations to have continued access to its facilities. Allowing use of BWS access road or facility during an emergency may conflict with facility operations. It was suggested the State Civil Defense be contacted to discuss and coordinate evacuation points for the community.
Petition to Dissolve the Ko`olauloa NeighborhoodBoard – It was asked and explained that a petition with 120 signatures are needed to place the issue on the agenda. However, a letter was sent to 35 people for residential address verification with only seven responding. The Commission is waiting for the 100 signatures with verified addresses. The Neighborhood Plan (NP) does not involve the Board. Community members expressed concerns that the Board is actively representing the community.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Amendments to the Neighborhood Plan (NP) – A) It was asked if amendments to the Neighborhood Plan were reviewed by Corporation Council. B) It is legal to extend Board member terms taking the vote out of the people’s hands and into the hands of the Administration. C) This legal prospect was done once before.
2. Envision Laie Hearing – It was not given a chance to speak. Per this law, the public has a right to testify on all agenda items. It was suggested to put the item on the agenda again and allowing everyone to speak and revote.
3. Group Camping – Follow up will be done if Kokololio Park can accommodate two (2) large camping groups.
4. Neighborhood Board Elections/Term Extensions – A) Active voters registered with the City Clerk or registered with the NCO (form on website) or military (Hawaii not permanent residence) may vote in the Neighborhood Board elections. B) It was clarified that the Commission has scheduled a special meeting for Thursday, February17, 2011 to decide if Board terms would be extended due to budgetary constraints. Everyone is allowed to give testimony. The Commission has held several meeting on this matter; all were publicized. Online voting has been authorized; the other option is via the telephone.
5. January 13, 2011 Board Meeting Cancellation – Mick explained that the meeting was cancelled by the Chair due to inclement weather and safety, He noted that the office did it best to contact everyone (phone/email) and a note was posted at the meeting sight. However, contacting the presenter(s) is the chair’s responsibility. He apologized for any inconvenience.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Barry Usagawa reported the following:
Water Main Breaks – No water main breaks reported for the month of January 2011. Pumpage as of February 5, 2011 was 132 million gallons daily; December rainfall was 192% of normal and January was 58% normal.
Chromium VI (Hexavalent Chromium) – A chromium report released last month suspected carcinogen in water supplies around the country. BWS is committed to protecting our health and takes seriously any information about potential drinking water contaminants. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of reviewing health effects data to determine if a new standard is needed and also developing guidance on monitoring for Chromium VI. In the mean time, BWS decided to start assessing the extent of Chromium VI presence in our water supplies by collecting and testing samples and developing a sampling plan in consultation with State Department of Health (DOH). If you have any questions visit or call the BWS Communications Office at 748-5041 or the Department of Health (DOH) Water Branch at 586-4258
Halawa Xeriscape Garden Workshops: A) February 19, 2011, Spiral Garden Demonstration 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon; February 26, 2011, Rain Barrel Catchment, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Lost of Water Service in Kahuku on October 28, 2010 – The lost of water service on October 12, 2010 was due to air in the pipeline, not a power outage.
Access to Hau`ula 180: Road is privately owned and if the community would like access, they need to ask the landowner. BWS only has an easement.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Status of the Line Replacement Rate Increase – There is no official proposal at this time.
Loss of Kahuku Water Service October 26, 2010 – A) Response received by the Board was that someone had closed the valve and asked why the valve was not secured. B) According to BWS there was air in the line from the roadway to the reservoir. C) It was noted that the State Agriculture Park had a line break the same day. D) Although on the public right-of-way, meters should only be touched by BWS personnel.
Rain Barrel Catchment – There is no restrictions to the catchment barrel size a resident can have.
Laie Water – The Laie water is under the jurisdiction of the Safe Drinking Water Branch of the State Department of Health.
Hearing no objection the agenda was taken out of order to City Monthly Reports, Honolulu Police Department (HPD).
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Lt. Vines report the following:
January 2011 Statistics – Included 5 assaults, 3 auto/motorcycle thefts, 10 burglaries, 2 drugs/narcotics, 0 graffiti, 2 robberies, 23 thefts, 11 unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle (UEMV).
Highlight – On January 18, 2011 a robbery occurred in the Giovani Shrimp Truck restroom where a tourist was confronted by a local male with a gun the gunman was hit and fled.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Police Station Repair Project – The project will be completed once the special glass is received.
Burglaries – It was asked and clarified that more guns are being taken in burglaries. It was recommended personal firearms be locked up in a safe place. Some areas are targeted.
Illegal Activity – Drug and prostitution activities were reported across Hau`ula Beach Park.
HPD Information – Board statistics reports are from 911 calls. For statistics break down visit
Kahuku Burglary – The burglary is under investigation; no information was available.
Hau`ula Neighborhood Security Watch – Moana Kalua`u has formed a Hau`ula Neighborhood Security Watch program.
HPD District 4 Personnel – It was asked and clarified no increase in personnel. Transfers or promotions are traded one for one.
Officer Response Time – It was noted to inform the dispatcher if the case is in progress; all calls are prioritized.
Surfing Taco Opening – It was requested and suggested if special duty officers would be hired for this event.
Pulling of a Trailer on the Roadway – It was asked and clarified trucks pulling a trailer on a public highway or (street) must have lights and a license plate on both the truck and trailer.
Councilmember Ernie Martin – Councilmember Martin introduced himself and noted that either he or staff member Sakata would be attending Board meetings.
APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 17, 2010 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES – Elkington moved, seconded by Kalua`u to accept the November 17, 2010 regular meeting minutes. The November 17, 2010 regular meeting minutes were ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0-0 Primacio, Elkington, Kaluhiokalani, Miller, Fale Kalua`u, Kelly-Paddock, Mattoon, Letts) with the following corrections:
Page 1, Board Members Absent – “…Letts and Kaluhiokalani were out of state…”
Page 4, Residents’/Community Concerns, #9 should read, “… Kelly-Paddock requested that a letter be sent to the City Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) be considered regarding group camping at Hau`ula Beach Park; and that this item be placed on the next Board agenda…”
Filling of Board Vacancy, Sub District (Kahuku) – Chair reported that this item is for discussion purposes to inform the community about the vacancy. Interested persons were encouraged to attend the March meeting and with proper identification (drivers license, state identification or a bill) for residential address verification.
Discussion followed:
Kahuku Community Association Meeting – Primacio reported that the Board vacancy was announced at the last Kahuku Community Association meeting. In fairness to all, interested persons have one more month to decide on filling the vacancy.
Verification – Chair announced that verification could also be made through the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) prior to the meeting date.
Concern – It was asked and clarified that although Leonardi resigned in November 2010, according to the Neighborhood Plan the Chair must be notified. No notification was received by the NCO. However, Mr. Leonardi will send the Chair his resignation notice.
Capital Improvement Project (CIP) suggestion Submission to the City and County of Honolulu: CIP Chair Mattoon reported the following requests for CIP received by the committee –
Hau`ula – A) For development of a new park site at the corner of Hau`ula Homestead Road and Hanaimoa Street, including playground/play courts, playfields for soccer/football games, parking area (s) and a comfort station. Preparation of area may require site survey, acquiring permits for grubbing, grading, drainage for prepping of play courts, playfields, parking, etc. B) For replacement of the backstop for the ball field at Hau`ula Community Park (submitted by Board member Dotty Kelly-Paddock).
Kahuku – For land acquisition for land-lease agreement #549200 dated August 7, 1986 for 7,250 acres, TMK 5-6-006-015 (Kahuku District Park) (submitted by Board member Junior Primacio).
Discussion followed: Chair noted the Councilmember asked for one (1) or two (2) projects due to funding, and asked if there were requests for other areas. Mattoon said that three (3) requests were received. Sakata added that technically there is no deadline, but it is best to submit requests before the budget is releaed.
Mattoon moved to accept the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) requests to be submitted to the City and County of Honolulu. The motion was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0-0 Primacio, Elkington, Kaluhiokalani, Miller, Fale Kalua`u, Kelly-Paddock, Mattoon, Letts).
Support Letter Addressing Kokololio Park Gates – Kelly-Paddock moved, Mattoon seconded that a letter from the Board be sent to the DPR Director regarding Hanaimoa Park, Hau`ula Beach Park, Hau`ula Community Park, and Kokololio Park.
Discussion followed: A) Kelly-Paddock recommended a letter be drafted to the Director of the City Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) for all parks. At a previous meeting with the former director regarding issues, the guests were directed to take the issue back to the Neighborhood Board. B) An informative handout on Kokololio Park was circulated. C) Chair noted that he/she did know that the letter would be for all parks and not just a specific park. Kelly-Paddock said that the matter was brought up at the November 2010 Board meeting and was to be discussed at the January 2011 meeting. D) The three (3) parks discussed previously are Hau’ula Playground and Beach Park and Kokololio Park. E) Chair relayed that research done could not find when or the reason that a Board motion was taken to lock the Kokololio Park gates. Elkington added that driving in and out of the park disturbs area residents. F) It was mentioned there are two large camping groups with their own security at Kokololio Park who could lock the gates at night. It was noted HPD has keys for the gates. G) The park has about 100 parking stalls. With the increase of campers, people are parking along Kamehameha Highway causing safety issues. H) A recommendation was made to impose conditions for campers relative to the gate being locked. I) Primacio amended the motion adding that the unlocking of the Kokololio Park gates is for a trial basis for 30 days then reassessed. The amendment was accepted. The motion was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 8-0-0 (AYE: Primacio, Elkington, Kaluhiokalani, Miller, Kalua`u, Kelly-Paddock, Mattoon, Letts, Fale).
Support Letter for Kahuku Medical Center – Kelly-Paddock moved, Mattoon seconded to draft a letter of support requesting budget consideration for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for the Kahuku Medical Center. The motion was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 8-0-0 (AYE: Primacio, Elkington, Kaluhiokalani, Miller, Kalua`u, Kelly-Paddock, Mattoon, Letts, Fale).
Discussion, Mental and Environmental Well Being of the Youth of Ko`olauloa – Dr. Preston Pita from the Kahuku Hospital reported: Concerns were raised regarding the increase of suicide and attempts in the Ko`olauloa community. Schools are assisting through school projects, football clinics, awareness, prevention and post prevention. This area is on the top of the list with the highest suicide rate. Reports indicate there were two (2) suicide attempts last week and six (6) in the last six weeks. For more information or assistance contact Dr Pita at 384-3741, email: [email protected] or the Kahuku Hospital. Chair said the issue would be placed on the March 2011 Board agenda for a presentation.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Attempts – Suicide attempts have been both male and female. No data has been released about adult attempts in the community.
Cause – Coping strategies are been reviewed. The mission is to track and educate kids with positive coping strategies. The issue is very complex and erratic.
Bullying Policies – The Department of Education (DOE) is working on rewriting the bullying policies. Kahuku High School is cooperating and working closely with the hospital.
Trash and Litter Along the Shoreline and in the Ocean – Kanekoa Crabbe expressed concerns regarding the amount of trash (litter) he and his friends remove along the shoreline and in the ocean. A January 29, 2011 cleanup resulted in five (5) large commercial bags of trash collected from Temple Valley to Hukilau Beach. The mouth of the river near Hau`ula Elementary School and Homestead Road consists of hollow concrete tiles, tires, tire irons, bike frames, etc. Crabbe reminded everyone to be aware and keep the beaches clean. For more information on beach cleanups contact Crabbe at 808-443-6026.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Hau`ula Community Association (HCA) Meeting – It was suggested that Crabbe attend the HCA meeting held on the first Tuesday of each month. It was also, suggested organizing the cleanup through the community associations.
First Wind – Wren Westcoatt introduced Kekoa Kaluhiwa and site manager Pat Leary; and presented the following: The Kahuku Wind Farm is now producing energy. There are four (4) staff members and five (5) from the Clipper Manufacturer at the site.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Noise Complaints – First Wind and HECO have been testing with some fluctuations. Complaints are referred to HECO.
Interference – The windmills do not interfere with the radar site.
Blades – The blades should always automatically face the wind. There are12 windmills with 160 foot blades.
Annual Scholarships – It was asked if Kahuku High School is eligible to receive a scholarship.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) – EIS studies were done by HECO.
Battery System – Power is generated through the battery system. Transmission lines stabilize the voltage.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Kalua`u reported Operating Account expenditures for December 2010 was $33.25 leaving a balance of $411.17; no expenditures in the Publicity Account, the balance is $1,821.00. January 2011 Operating Account expenses were $41.39 leaving a balance of $369.78; Publicity Account expenditure was $400 leaving a balance of $1,421.00. `
Congresswoman Mazie Hirono – No representative present or report provided.
Governor’s Representative – No representative present or report provided.
Representative Gil Riviere – Rep. Riviere reported that District 46 runs from Naniloa Loop to Kunia Camp. This legislative session is one-fourth completed. Three of his proposed bills are moving forward. As a member of the Agriculture Committee, October has been declared “Farm School Month.” A bill regarding the cleanup of Lake Wilson will be heard by the Water, Land, and Ocean Resources Committee tomorrow. The office is located in room 319, and the Rep. can be contacted at 586-6380; email
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Food Safety – It was noted that it is hopeful that the safe food process would not affect the farmers. It was clarified safe foods process pertains to food safety. It was noted vegetables grown in school gardens cannot be served in school cafeterias. Agriculture Committee Chair Primacio requested a meeting with the Rep., Sen. Dela Cruz and the farmers to discuss the matter.
Vision Laie Plan – Rep. Riviere was not taking a position on the issue this evening, noting better constructive dialog is needed.
Representative Jessica Wooley – Flora Obayashi reported the following:
Legislature Opening Day – Ceremonies were held on January 19, 2011 with the House yet to be organized. A Speaker of the House has since been unanimously elected.
Committees – Rep. Wooly sits on five (5) committees.
General Excise Tax 9GET) – Rep. Wooley does not favor an increase in the GET tax or taxing retirement.
Bills – Several bill of interest to the Rep. were read.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Bills – It was asked if testimony from community associations would help to keep the bill alive.
Position on Senate Bill 232 Relating to Civil Unions – Follow up will be done regarding Rep. Wooley position on the issue; Rep. Riviere noted he voted against the bill.
Rep’s Newsletter – Miller mentioned that the Laie Community Association has not received proposed bills or newsletter from the Rep.
Committee Chair Reports were deferred.
8:25 p.m. Board member Kaluhiokalani departed the meeting; 8 members present.
Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) – Major. Alan Couch reported the following:
Support for a Color Guard – February 19, 2011 at the Consular Corps Annual Installation Dinner.
Great Aloha Run Volunteers – February 21, 2011, CLB-3 Marines volunteering providing logistical support.
Annual “Mud Ops” – February 22-24, 2011, to clear invasive weeks from the Nu`upia Ponds.
Swamp Romp Health, Fitness & Wellness Expo – February 25, 2011, open to public, 3-8 p.m. at Samuel Adam’s Sports Grill & Pub
Swamp Romp the “Dirtiest Race in Town” – February 26, 2011, open to the public. Early arrival is recommended.
Deployments – 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, HMH-362 and Combat Logistics Battalion 3 to Afghanistan; VP-4; plus other detachments and individual augmentees. HMH-463 is expected to deploy this month.
Announcements – A) Toys for Tots drive met its goal. B) Call MCB Hawaii at 254-7632 or visit for career opportunities. C) MCB Hawaii’s Facebook; or ( for twitter & you tube.
Renewable Energy Research in Hawaii – The Biodiesel Crop Demonstration Project is a combined effort between the pacific Biodiesel, Inc., the Marine Corps, the Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center, and the Army Corps Installation Management Command Pacific. The $2.3 million project spans 24 month. The goal is to produce sustainable agricultural technology in a move toward fuel security.
U.S. Army – Lt. Alan Yi reported the following:
No Drug Day Luncheon – A Valentine’s no drug day luncheon was held at an elementary school.
Suicides – The Army assisted the Kahuku High School with a suicide prevention program.
Military/School Partnership – The program continues with ongoing success.
Questions, comments, concerns followed:
Contact Information – Lt. Yi 428-7261; Major Koffe 655-1511.
Hau`ula Park – It was asked if the soldiers could work with the community to clean Hau`ula Park.
Drum Road – Drum Road is not used by the military at this time.
Kahuku Community School/Library – Fran Corcoran reported the following:
Donation – The Kahuku Library received $1,000 donation from First Wind.
Kahuku Beach Project Workshop – Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at the library.
Librarian of the Year – Corcoran announced she has been selected Librarian of the Year.
Bookmobile – Four (4) routes have been dropped due to lack of customers. However, three (3) new routes have been picked-up.
Community Reports:
Hauula Community Report: Board member Kelly-Paddock reported the following:
1. Hau’ula Community Programs and Boys & Girls Club/Key Project: David Nakata, Dir. Boys & Girls Clubs, our new City Councilman Ernie Martin, and John Reppun (Director, KEY Project) met with the HCA to discuss how to initiate similar programs in Hau’ula.
How much money is needed annually to run a community recreational center?
The Answer: It depends on whether you have the use of the facility until 4 or 5 pm or 9pm. If it is open until 9:00 pm then you need full-time people, a lease or deed, a secretary, office equipment and more. In Nanakuli, they needed $250,000 a year. David also recommended that we have different programs at different times for the younger children (under age 7), the preteens and the older teens (ages 13 – 17) or a hybrid of certain days scheduled for different age groups. David discussed the need to have adequate funding needed to hire staff.
What makes a successful community/recreational program such as Boys/Girls Club grow and prosper? David feels that the key to successful programs is always one key person. You have to find the right person to come in and do the work. A facility should be open evenings, weekends, holidays.
An exemplary program (we can have this here) is an audio and visual multimedia center such as Searider Productions Academy in Waianae. Here the kids make their own music and use the computer lab. This is funded through a Community Benefits Grant. The kids love this program. If you want to attract the teens, all you need is equipment costs and to hire one person who knows the technology and who is really good with kids; this person will draw the teens into the program which will be perceived as a cool place to be and friends will bring friends (e.g., small dances and music). You can find people in the community – good welders, mechanics etc. (not necessarily college graduates) but someone who know how to relate to kids.
Another exemplary program is Leaders in Training. A group decides what community projects, excursions etc. are needed and they partner with the Judiciary. They are now an alternative to detention. It costs $4000- $5000 a day to keep a kid in detention. Rather than having kids do menial tasks, these kids work with other human beings. For example, the kids were required to spend one hour at Shriners but they spent 4 hours. Give the kids an opportunity to do something for themselves with a minimum of adult mandates and they will decide for themselves.
How do you draw kids into the program and keep it going? The person whom we hire to work with the kids has to be relentless – nothing is impossible. David went to Waianae and looked for the most ‘kolohe’ kid around to bring into the program. He watched for the natural leaders at schools - not the school leaders – but kids right on the edge of getting in trouble. Then he convinced that one guy to come and the other kids will follow. Convince him that it is better than doing what he’s doing. Burt shared his experience with ROTC and a- risk kids. He found that many of these kids succeed when there is structure and the trust will follow.
Does Hauula have a chance for funding? The question directed at Councilman Ernie Martin is: Do we have a chance? He said that we have a great chance now that he is the budget chair if our requests coincide with what the community envisions for itself. Another question was raised about transportation for young people to get to the programs since this community covers a wide area. Ernie said that if the demand is high and we are justified, funding is more likely.
Funding information: Community Block Grants has program funds but you have to be very specific about how you want to use that – it is not that easy. Boys & Girls Clubs have been fortunate that Ernie and his staff have been very helpful in steering them in the direction where they had the best shot for monies or which road leads to the funding. Then the road gets clearer because Ernie knows what to ask for and where the road leads. The Hauula area has been underserved; Ernie knows where the resources are.
Should Hauula have a fiscal agent who could manage the nonprofit programs? This would help us to start slowly without having a 501c3 (which can be quite costly)? For city funding purposes we need a 501c3 or a fiscal agent. It depends on the relationship, there are advantages and disadvantages. Right now we are considering working under the fiscal umbrella of Key Project. John Reppun will bring this up to the Board of Directors to seek their approval. John gave the analogy of 501c3 being like a screwdriver – if you have one – use it. He shared that KEY Project bylaws state that its mission is for programs from Kaneohe to Kahuku and believes that the challenge is passing the torch to the next generation. KEY board members are very familiar with Ko’olauloa and have talked about the need for a long time.
A suggested starting point can be to work with young kids’ 6th – 8th graders and bring programs into a building that already exists and then move into the teen program. Another possible fiscal agent can be the Hawaii Community Youth Assoc. – use Boys & Girls Clubs for technical assistance & trainings, etc. – we don’t have to be under a Boys and Girls Club umbrella – the whole mission is to keep the kids off the streets.
How can we have a Hauula Recreational Facility/Community Center? Some of the most under-utilized facilities are the city and county buildings, including the one in Hauula, the Hauula Civic Center. The Hauula Civic Center could possibly be used (or partially used) for a recreational center for kids and community. The challenge is to first work in Hauula to create a strategic plan. We can then work with the City Council to access the Civic Center.
How do we get started? David believes that we are in a good place because we have an interested councilman, Ernie Martin. He suggested four starting points of action. He suggests that if we are serious about this, (1) we need to come up with a plan so that when Ernie presents this, it will be clear what we are going to do, why we want to do it, when, who, how, etc. (2) We also have to have an idea of who is the ‘pied piper’ of the youth program. Bring the person to the meetings – catch him/her on fire – identify who can be the ‘champion. Then (3) go to the Board of Key Project, do a presentation, and work out an MOA related to our strategic plan (4) Then talk to Ernie about where we can get grants. Build the renovation and staffing needs (including number of hours of operation) into the request. We also need to know how we will pay for the overhead costs that are not covered in the grant. Part of the MOA with the fiscal agent will involve a negotiation of their fees for managing our money.
The fiscal agent will give you the financial reports; bookkeeping and reporting will come from them. John shared that KEY has had lots of fiscal turnover and that our involvement may help them to be more accountable. David offered to help us to get private funds – which will also help us to more easily get city funding as it will be easier to sell our program to the funders. David offered to come out to help for no charge and will share some templates that have worked for the Boys & Girls Clubs. We need to pull together a passionate group and create a strategic plan and then we will know what we want to sell. Ernie, David and John are encouraging us to pursue this and have offered support. We need to start our planning process to ensure great services and a recreational facility for our kids and families. The main mission is to keep kids off the streets and out of trouble.
Feb. 12 – Hau’ula Hui Non-Profit Workshop, 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM; Purpose: To Develop a Mission and Vision Statement; Consultant- Lehua Lopez, Call Dotty to sign up 255-6944
2.Hauula School Report by Sam Izumi, Principal - Sam Izumi reported on various activities and programs at Hauula School including: rewards & incentives to increase student attendance; geographic exemptions to increase student body; recycling program; efforts to’ go greener’/solar power; library needs; use of an electric sign; parent-teacher conferences; movement towards Annual Yearly Progress (AYP); Kindergarten registration; and Aloha Ko’olauloa fundraiser with Hawaiian food and entertainment on Apr 16.
3. New Free Public Charter School in Hauula. Glen Blomgren gave an update and overview of the new charter school, Hawaii Active Learning Academy – ALA. Their office has opened at Rainbow Castle in Hauula. They are taking registrations at the site at Rainbow Castle or online at ( The school doesn’t have a charter yet but it will hopefully be approved in late March. Glen feels that many goals that we have related to a community center are parallel with the charter school. He wants to share staff and resources and be part of the community. The goal is to reach 250 students and to start with K-10 and move to K-12. The program will include Eclasses (online) and in-classroom with an emphasis on projects, science, family-involvement, art, music, drama, labs, debate and other areas to offer a wide choice of programs. The intent is to serve the students in Ko’olauloa area but it is open to all statewide. Every child will be given a computer
4. Hau’ula Emergency Leadership Preparedness (HELP) Team Update- Burt Greene: The Red Cross provided training for two days – 22 people attended, most from Hauula. All who completed the course are certified. We now have people here qualified to serve as shelter operation personnel. The Red Cross is pleased because there are very few people who are trained in our area. There will be additional trainings offered in the future. We have no fixed building yet for an evacuation center. When our new park at Hanaimoa is completed we hope to hope to locate an evacuation center there but this will take time. HELP obtained a 20 foot trailer which is up on a property on Hauula Homestead Road. The next step is to survey the community to see what the needs are. THE HELP committee is working with faith-based organizations, such as Mt. Zion Church and Pastor Welch, who have resources and leadership. Van Auna, Head of Security at BYU emphasized that we All should have a 72 emergency kit. He also offered support HELP efforts.
Hauula has two emergency sirens out of function and it is not known when it will be repaired. Burt emailed Jessica Wooley and Ed Texeira (Civil Defense) about this problem. We have been told that funds are not available. Sen. Clayton Hee said that there was $2.2 million for siren repair but we don’t know why this money hasn’t been utilized. Zeni Iese stressed that this problem must be solved before a disaster hits and lives are lost such as in Am. Samoa. Hauula has a high probability of having a tsunami and should have a high priority for siren repair/replacement. Everyone is encouraged to keep gas in their cars. Burt found out that the state is also preparing signs to be place along highway that say to go to high ground.
5. Hau’ula Ahupua’a Hui (HAH) – Monitoring & Evaluation Design Team, Update, Maureen Malanaphy. Maureen and Dotty attended a workshop with Hawaii Stewardship Network in January. We are part of the Monitoring & Evaluation Design Team. Maureen, Dotty and Umi Jensen have been working with the Hawaii Stewardship Network and attending workshops and conferences. This organization can be a great support for us as we plan our Hauula programs and network with other non-profit organizations throughout the state.
6. Hau’ula Monk Seal Recovery & Protection Team - Maureen Malanaphy: Maureen, Dotty and Candy Greene participated in a volunteer training with the Hawaii Monk Seal Response Team Oahu (HMSRTO) in January in Haleiwa and are organizing a Hauula Monk Seal Response Team. Dotty will try to organize another workshop in Hauula with the Monk Seal organization in March. This volunteer group organizes ‘haul outs’ to protect monk seals when they surface on a beach and provides educational presentations and trainings. Glen expressed an interest in having charter students involved.
7. Neighborhood Board Commission Concerns. Barbara Kahana went to a meeting of the Neighborhood Board Commission and shared concerns about significant changes to the neighborhood plan. One major concern is the attitude of the commission about getting input from neighborhood boards. They believe that they have been working for eight months and did their job in asking for feedback. The feedback requested was on the plan to allow the commission to extend the officer’s terms by two-years. How can you extend a member’s term by two years if the member is not actually elected? The commission response is that there is a lack of funding for elections; however, monies are already budgeted for this.
These proposed changes have not been on the Ko’olauloa Neighborhood Board agenda. The Commission stated that they informed board chairs to give NB opportunities to review it and then to provide input to the commission but that there was no feedback so they voted in all of those changes. Apparently they have the power to do it now (whether they do it or not); it is in the plan. It was also noted that anyone can sign up to get the agenda of the Neighborhood Board Commission meetings so that we can be better informed. Items such as this should have been on Ko’olauloa NB agenda. This should be brought up to other Board members. We can complain to the Mayor or though the Commission website. Barbara requests that this be an agenda item for the next Koolauloa Neighborhood and she will send out a summary of the plan.
8. Petition to Dissolve Ko’olauloa Neighborhood Board. Signatures of 100 registered voters are needed– they have now verified ninety eight signatures. The commission is verifying the list of signatures. The problem is that some people put their PO Box numbers on the petition. It is best to put your actual street address. Certified letters were sent to people who put in PO Boxes. People can still send in their petitions directly. You must be a registered voter and live in Koolauloa to sign petition. If you want to sign the petition call Dotty at 255-6944.
9. Cancellation of Jan.2011 Ko’olauloa Neighborhood Board Meeting Concerns was raised at the HCA meeting about the cancellation of the January meeting. There was such short notice that some Board members, many community members and presenters from Windward College were all waiting at the door at the Civic Center. It seems that only selective people were informed about the meeting being cancelled.
10. Ko’olauloa Health and Wellness Center will get a substance abuse treatment grant soon in collaboration the non-profit, Ola Kuo’, founded by Shon Kaanaana/Joe Pouha
11. Hau’ula Park Coalition