Community college, learning centers on the agenda for Koolauloa Neighborhood Board
The Koolauloa Neighborhood Board No. 28 is set to hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, March 10 at the Hauula Community Center. From 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., community and board members will meet to discuss an array of community issues.
City monthly reports from the Honolulu Fire Department, Honolulu Police Department, the mayor’s representative, and Councilmember Ernie Martin will be shared at the start of the meeting.
Board business inlcudes Kahuku Sub-district 1 vacancy, the Windward Community College satellite campus, and the Hawaii Active Learning Academy.
Toward the end of the meeting, residents will have the opportunity to address the board and meeting attendees.
The complete meeting agenda is below.
Note: The Board may take action on any agenda item. As required by the State Sunshine Law (HRS 92), specific issues not noted on this agenda cannot be voted on, unless added to the agenda.
I. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Richard Lee Fale
II. CITY MONTHLY REPORTS (Limited to 3 minutes each)
a. Honolulu Fire Department (HFD)
b. Honolulu Police Department (HPD)
c. Mayor’s Representative
d. Councilmember Ernie Martin
e. Board of Water Supply (BWS)
a. Kahuku Sub-district 1 Vacancy
b. Windward Community College Satellite Campus
c. Hawaii Active Learning Academy
d. R.E.D. – Dr. Hannah Preston Pita
V. RESIDENTS’/COMMUNITY CONCERNS (Limited to 3 minutes each)
VI. REPORTS (Limited to 3 minutes each)
a. Treasurer’s Report
b. Elected Officials
i. Congresswoman Mazie Hirono
ii. Governor’s Representative
iii. State Legislators
c. Marine Corps/U. S. Army
d. Department of Education (DOE)
e. Committee Chair Reports
i. Housing- John Elkington
ii. Cultural Affairs- Norman Kaluhiokalani
iii. CIP/Public Works- Creighton Mattoon
iv. Parks & Recreation- Junior Primacio
v. Planning and Land Use- Les Steward
vi. Public Information- Kela Miller
vii. Health & Welfare- Dotty Kelly-Paddock
viii. Public Safety/Transportation- Moana Kalua’u
ix. Water- Dee Dee Letts
x. Education-Vacant
xi. Agriculture- Junior Primacio
f. Kahuku Community/School Library
g. Correspondence
h. Community Reports
Next Meeting – Scheduled for Thursday, April 14, 2011, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Hau`ula Civic Center