March of Dimes on the look out for ‘Oahu Ambassador’
Premature birth is the leading cause of newborn death and many lifelong disabilities. It’s the mission of Hawaii’s March of Dimes to fight prematurity by taking steps to raise awareness in March for Babies. The fundraiser supports research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives.
To learn more about the March of Dimes Hawaii chapter, click here
The March of Dimes is now accepting nominations for an Ambassador Family to represent the Oahu March for Babies on Saturday, April 23. The Ambassador family must have a child or children who have benefited from the March of Dimes. These children may have been born premature, suffered from pulmonary hypertension, spent time in a NICU, suffered from respiratory distress, or have otherwise been affected by premature birth and/or birth defects.
The family needs to be outgoing and comfortable with sharing their story at media interviews, corporate team meetings and publicity photos as available. Families accepting the nomination will be required to fill out a nomination form. Nominations must be in by Wednesday, March 9.
To nominate a family, send in a brief description of the family, why you think they would be ideal for representing the March of Dimes’ mission and the family contact information.
Send your nominations to Donna Otto, March for Babies Family Team Specialist, at [email protected]. For more information, call (808) 630-1690.