Longs liquor license and senior housing hot topics at Mililani board meeting
The Mililani Mauka/Launani Valley Neighborhood Board met for their monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 18.
City monthly reports revealed that the December 2010 statistics from the Honolulu Fire Department included: one structure fire in Wahiawa, one wildland fire near Hanalani School, and one rubbish fire at Mililani Middle School. Emergencies included 31 medical, 15 miscellaneous (smoke scare, water evacuation, auto accident clean up, activated alarms), and one major incident at Aloun farms with four units responding.
Residents also expressed that they wish for potholes in Mililani to be repaired, and discussed the proposed Longs Drugs for Mililani Mauka.
Complete meeting minutes are below.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Dean Hazama called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., with a quorum of seven (7) members. The Scouts from Troop 664 were asked to present the United States and State of Hawaii colors; Troop 664 led the pledge of allegiance, posted the colors, and retired from the meeting. Note: This nine (9) member Board requires five (5) votes to have a quorum and take official Board action. Chair Hazama read the rules of speaking listed at the top of tonight’s agenda.
Members Present: Dana Agader (departed 8:22 p.m.), Luella Costales (arrived at 7:05 p.m./departed 9:10 p.m.), Dave Ellis, Dean Hazama, Shelly Nakasone (appointed tonight), Stanton Oishi (departed at 9:17 p.m.), Alan Suwa, Keith Tamashiro.
Members Absent: Lance Yoshimura.
Vacancies – There was one at-large vacancy.
Guests: Erwin Kawata (Board of Water Supply), Mary Liles, Randy Johnson, Doreen Johnson, Pearl Peiler, Margie Peary, Keith Fukumoto, Christina Frolik, Kari DeBusca, Jodie Fujita, Sandy Ramiscal, Lloyd Chong, Stephanie Yoda, Shelly Nakasone, Isidora Bauaguoa, Linda Conroy, Michael Dame, May Fujii Foo, Charlene Malecha, Eiji Takeuchi, Agnes Mayfield, Geoff Mayfield, Craig Neibarr, Corinne Neibarr, Kurt Andrews, Edna Nazareno, Raymond Seto, James Kotake, J. Thomason, Harold H. Harrison, Jr., Nancy Harrison, Dave Patrick, Lia Patrick, Shaun Kawakami, Saisopin Kobayashi, Kevin Kobayashi, Jim and Grace Hurlouck, Stephen Robinson (130th Engineer Brigade, U.S. Army Schofield), Bill Carreira, Susan Knox, Mel Apana, Ed Aperocho, Paul Chaulk, Danny Fosco, Sheryl Sanchez, Calvin Domingo, John Parse, Pete Emerson, Megan Cieslak, Randy Cieslak, Bill Rooka, Linda Fukuya, Lauren Aki, Jennifer Kelley, Maybelinda Hayashi, Cris Alvin, Valerie Endo, Nicolette Uemoto, Dan Huleshosed, Satsuko J. Mitaemi, Daniel Hulesbohed, Jamie Yoshino, Monica Ornellas, John and Tairita Waite, Fred Romero, Kelvin R., Mary Peddie, Dan Peddie, F.H. Kuhn, Michael Magaoay, Michelle Bumanglag, Tremayne Bumanglag, Esme Nii, Cory Sakata, Representative Marilyn Lee, Joyce Yee, Keith Miyahara, Ernie and Leilani Jun, Jin Lim, Kendal Ibarra, Matt Perry, Donald Bonilla, Jesse Tano, Andrea Diaz, Katrina Dick, Kent Anderson, Marlene Blackwell, Jonathan Wung, Renee Yoshimura-Valdez, Jackie Standiford, Lorrie Kanno, Med Aczon, Rod and Maki Dubquois, Gail S. Watanabe, Cynthia Damaslire, Yuki Takenaka, Carol Hamilton, Gerald Hamilton, Chris Jansen, Martin and Luisa Ortogero, Pamela Young, Laura Lee, Shari Aguilar, Senator Michelle Kidani, Ray Aguilar, Shirley Whitfield, James Whitfield, Will Kane (Mililani Town Association), Darrel Ito (Longs Drugs), Derek Fraze, Eric Roth, Melissa Vomvoris, Wanda Thayne, Hoon Hee, Farouk Wang (Mililani Town Association), Captain Brian Carvalho (Honolulu Fire Department), Lt. Ben Ballesteros (Honolulu Police Department), Collins Lam (Office of the Mayor/ Director, Department of Design & Construction), Councilmember Ernie Martin, Kimberly Ribellia (Office of Councilmember Martin), Keith Kurahashi and Anne Kusao (GFS LLC), Jerry Rauckhorst and Eddie Ontai (Catholic Charities, Bruce Barrett and Richard Mirikitani (Castle & Cooke Homes Hawaii, Inc.), Boy Scout Troop 664, and Nola J. Frank (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
FILLING OF BOARD VACANCY (One At-large Seat) – Chair Hazama asked if there were anyone interested in filling the vacancy. Shelly M. Nakasone and Bo Aki offered to fill the vacancy. Hearing no other volunteers, Ellis moved to close nominations; there were no objections. The neighborhood assistant explained that a roll call vote would be taken in the order of the volunteers, and since Nakasone was the first to volunteer to fill the vacancy votes for her would be taken first. The nominee receiving five (5) or more votes would fill the vacancy. Vote for Shelly Nakasone – By UNANIMOUS VOTE, Shelly Nakasone was appointed to fill the at-large vacancy, 7-0-0 (AYE: Agader, Costales, Ellis, Oishi, Suwa, Tamashiro, Hazama).
7:12 p.m. Recess called to administer the oath of office; 7:15 the agenda resumed; Luella Costales arrived, eight (8) members now present.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – Captain B. Carvalho reported the following:
* December 2010 Statistics – Fires included 1 structure (Wahiawa), 1 wildland (near Hanalani School), and 1 rubbish (Mililani Middle School; Emergencies included 31 medical, 15 miscellaneous (smoke scare, water evacuation, auto accident clean up, activated alarms), and 1 major incident at Aloun farms with 4 units responding.
* Fire Safety Tip – It is critical if an emergency occurs that responders quickly identify the correct location. Fire, building, U.S. postal codes, and City ordinances state that property owners shall place their house numbers so it is legible and readily visible from the street. If your property is difficult to locate and/or access, provide 911 dispatch with additional information to assist emergency responders in locating your property.
* Changes to City and County of Honolulu Fireworks Regulations – Starting January 2, 2011, consumers may only purchase firecrackers after applying for a permit to set off no less than ten days prior to the event. The report also included requirements for the sale and use of firecrackers which have no changes. For more information contact the Fire Prevention Bureau at 723-7162.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Lt. B. Ballesteros reported the following:
* Beat 255 December 2010 Statistics Compared with November 2010 – Included 2 unauthorized control of a propelled vehicle (UCPV), 2 auto thefts, 4 burglaries, 6 unauthorized entries into a motor vehicle (UEMV), 0 graffiti, and 2 thefts.
Questions, comments and concerns:
1. Shooting at Mililani Safeway – The early morning incident at the Mililani Safeway is still under investigation;
no information was available. It was advised if you see someone with a weapon, do not confront the person, call 911 and take cover.
2. Advice was given do not confront anyone with a weapon, call 911 and take cover.
Military – Stephen Robinson reported the following:
* Deployment – There are currently 50,000 soldiers in Iraq.
* Makua Valley – Per Lt. General Nixon, the Army will not resume live fire training in Makua Valley.
* Adopt-a-School Program – Soldiers continue to participate in this successful program with area schools.
* Potholes – It was request that all potholes in Mililani be repaired.
* Real Property Tax Assessment – The Board was asked to adopt a resolution deferring the increase of property taxes for seniors living in a designated senior facility.
* Written Reports – Area legislators written reports were available on the table at the back of the room.
Hearing no objection, the agenda was taken out of order to VII. Board Business.
Liquor License Application Submitted for Mauka Longs/CVS Project – Architect Bill Brizee introduced Darryl Ito, Manager for the Mauka Longs/CVS; and reported that a Board presentation was made in October 2010. Tonight is to inform the Board that the liquor application was submitted early January 2011.
Questions, comments and concerns:
1. School Area Requirement(s) – The issue if the store is within the 600 foot requirement away from a school will be brought up at the Liquor Commission hearing.
2. Fast Stop – In 1994 when Fast Stop was applying for a liquor license the consensus of the community was that no liquor be sold in Mililani Mauka and the area of the Castle & Cooke sales office. A petition was signed by approximately 500 residents.
3. Liquor Commission Decision – It was asked at what point the Liquor Commission makes a decision and how that decision would affect Longs/CVS decision.
Suwa moved that a letter of support of the liquor application for Longs/CVS Mauka be sent to the Liquor Commission.
Discussion followed:
1. Tesoro – Tesoro does not sell liquor.
2. Off-Street Parking – Suwa mentioned that issues were raised at the October 2010 meeting regarding off-site parking and initiated that employee parking remain within the building area. Brizee replied ample parking will be provided for Longs patrons. The property from McDonald’s to Aina Makua Drive is owned by Longs/CVS.
3. Comments – a) Chair relayed that residents are concerned why there are no other stores in the community. b) Longs is not asking for anything thing different from other stores such as Foodland. Longs have been responsible in the community for 61 years.
4. Liquor Application Process – Meetings with the Liquor Commission and hearing date(s) are forthcoming. Mauka Longs is currently in the process of designs for building permits which is a two to three month process.
The motion to send a letter in support of the Longs/CVS liquor application to the Liquor Commission was ADOPTED, 6-2-0 (AYE: Agader, Costales, Oishi, Suwa, Tamashiro, Hazama; NAY – Ellis, Nakasone).
Presentation of Proposed Meheula Vista Senior Affordable Rental Project – Keith Kurahashi representing GFS LLC introduced Jerry Rauckhorst of the Catholic Charities; and presented the following:
* Meheula Vista – The applicants, Catholic Charities Housing Development Corporation (CCHDC) and its partner GSF LLC will be submitting a Draft Environmental Impact Assessment and a 201-H application for an affordable senior rental development in Mililani Mauka to the Hawaii Housing Finance Development Corporation (HHFDC). Applications will also be sent to government agencies for credits, rental housing trust funds, CDBG, Home and DURF funds to provide these affordable rental units for a period of just over 60 years. The development will be located southeast of Meheula Parkway between Kuaoa Street and Lehiwa Drive on 7.5 acres of a B-2 Community Business zoned lot. A self storage facility occupies the remaining 1.5 acres of the property. The project site is located next to a park site which is adjacent to Mililani Middle School. Mililani Elementary Schools is located further east on Meheula Parkway.
* Rental Development Plans – Plans are to have a senior affordable rental development consisting of four buildings each with a two-story and three-story wing, to be constructed in four phases. Each building will contain 75 one-bedroom senior units with 33 parking stalls. A two-bedroom resident manager’s unit will be included in Phase 1. A total of 301 apartment units and 132 parking stalls will be developed. A Multi-Purpose Building will be provided for senior activities with an addition of 11 parking stalls; totaling 143 parking stalls on the site.
* Rentals to Seniors – Rentals will be available to seniors age 55 and older, earning less than 60% of the median income. The average age in six other senior affordable rentals has been in the upper 70’s. Children will not be allowed to live in these senior affordable rental units.
* Property Zoning – The property is zoned B-2 for commercial use with a 60-foot height limit.
* Proposed Requirement Exemption Requests – This proposed development will require exemptions, including an exemption from the Land Use Ordinance use table to allow multi-family dwellings on this zoned lot; parking requirements exemption, based on the lower rate of vehicle ownership for seniors and a rental declaration restricting tenants owning vehicles to just the numbered that can be accommodated by the tenant parking provided on-site; and an exemption to allow construction of a hollow tile wall that will be about 8 to 10 feet in height, 2 to 4 feet over the allowable 6-foot height limit at new property lines to be created through a subdivision to create separate parcels for Meheula Vista and exiting the self storage facility; exemptions from certain application and infrastructure fees and deferral of water and sewer correction fees.
* Traffic Impacts – Estimation was provided regarding senior rental versus the neighborhood shopping center trip generation. Traffic impacts would be minimal with the senior rental development.
* Permits Required – a) A finding of No Significant Impact on a Final Environmental Assessment. B) A 201-H affordable housing development approved by the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii and the City Council. c) Grading permit and building permits from the City Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP).
* Impact on Surrounding Community – Current school enrollment would not be affected. Traffic will be minimal because most low-income seniors do not own a car. The number of tenants with vehicles will be restricted to the number of available parking stalls that can accommodate tenant parking.
Chair announced that the meeting will be conducted in a civil manner, and respect given to all opinions and view points, and reminded everyone about the rules of speaking.
A lengthy discussion followed:
1. Shopping – Shopping is Inaccessible for seniors.
2. Traffic Generated Impacts – Increase traffic in an already traffic impacted area.
3. 201H Category – Under the 201H category if 40% of the units are not rented, could the units be rented at
market costs? Federal standard require that rentals be according to income brackets.
4. Kuaoa Street Exit – A storage lane was suggested for safety due to speeding on Meheula Parkway.
5. Parking Restrictions Per Resident – a) Are there exemptions allowing one parking stall per unit?
Audience Members –. Approximately 30 guests gave testimony in opposition for the following reasons:
1. Planned Community – Mililani Mauka is a planned community and the property should remain commercial use. Since Mauka is at its developing capacity, how much more underground infrastructure must be put in to accommodate this new development? Agreements were signed with Castle & Cooke at the closing of purchasing a home that this is a planned community.
2. Board Members – The Board is here to support the majority which is in opposition to the project. The Board should think of the community’s best interest that no new residential development is built on the commercial lot.
3. Oahu Arts Center – Many in attendance continue support having an arts center on the site.
4. Citizens Against Residential Expansion Mililani (Care Mililani) – A handout was circulated with concerns, and The Board was asked to consider the community’s opposition and promises made to the community by Castle & Cooke.
5. Visitors – If there are no restrictions on visitations, what is to prevent overnight stays and who would be enforcing the rules?
6. No Development – Community members do not want housing on the proposed lot; the property should be left for a park, art center, etc.
7. Profit – If the monthly profit is about $336,000, how much of the profit goes to the Catholic Charities, the developer, and the community.
8. School Concerns – The schools are already overcrowded and more school space is needed in Mauka. It was suggested that the property be sold to the State, State Department of Education (DOE), or keep Castle & Cooke’s promise for the arts center.
9. Board Stand – The Board was asked to take a stand and override Castle & Cooke’s promises. The Board was asked what could be done to stop the project.
8:22 p.m. Agader departed the meeting; 7 member present.
10. Tax Credits – Low income project receive tax credits. Will the developer or the renters get the tax credits? There are many people 55 and older still working.
11. Castle & Cooke – Bruce Barrett explained that the key issue is change. There is a lack of demand for commercial use. Changes were made to the master plan due to economic circumstances.
9:10 p.m. Costales departed the meeting; 6 members present.
12. Services Provided by Catholic Charities – Catholic Charities have many different services are provided island wide and this facility would be added to the transportation program already utilized on Oahu.
13. Services Provided by Catholic Charities – Catholic Charities have many different services are provided island wide and this facility would be added to the transportation program already utilized on Oahu.
14. Guest Parking – Parking for guests will meet the standard code which is one(1) guest stall per 10 units; totaling 30 parking stalls for visitors.
9:17 p.m. Oishi departed the meeting; 5 members present.
15. Rental Costs – Per the handout the units will be available to seniors earning less than 60% of the median income which should be about $700 per month.
16. End of 60-Year Term – At the end of the term the project would continue into the future.
17. Board of Directors – The project would be governed by a Board of Directors. Danny Ontai, Subsidiary of Catholic Charities Housing was introduced. Ontai oversees 300 staff members, 30 programs state wide, and funding from different government agencies.
18. Guests were reminded that all questions be addressed to the Chair.
Due to audience member continuing speaking out of turn, Chair Hazama once again reminded everyone that the meeting will be conducted in a civil manner, respect given to all opinions and viewpoints. If the outbursts continued a recess would be called or the meeting adjourned.
Ellis called a point of order to take the last speaker. The neighborhood assistant explained to the Chair that per the Sunshine Law all persons wishing to speak must have a turn.
Chair Hazama reiterated that the Board’s capacity is advisory only. The issue will go forward to City Council and HHFDC would have hearings. Several audience members were intimidating the Board by aggressively reminding Board member that the community votes them on to the Board and can vote them off.
Suwa moved that a letter be sent to the State, City, and entities involved in the decision process in support of the project with conditions.
Discussion followed:
1. Ellis amended the motion that a strong letter from the Board be sent in opposition to the project; and that the CARE Mililani handout be attached. Suwa accepted the amendment and said that he would accept any other testimony that could be provided.
2. Tamashiro commented that there is a need for affordable senior housing; but agreed with the testimonies.
3. Suwa supports the community and is personally against the project, personally against the project, for clarification the Board represents the Mauka residents and try the best they can. He has heard no support from the audience. The main point is the need. Chair said that he understands where the community is coming from, however it is hard not supporting a senior project. He shares the community’s frustrations, and the inability of attracting commercial businesses to the area. However, the Board must represent all of
Mauka residents; the decision is difficult for the Board. Those types of facilities are needed in communities to care for seniors.
4. Suwa explained that a letter of support with condition be sent because if only a letter of opposition is sent it will be difficult to add conditions after the fact. The community was asked what is acceptable if no projects are wanted.
5. Comment to Board Members: Concern was focused on Board members reminding them that the community voted them to the board and could vote them off.
Suwa withdrew the motion. Ellis mentioned to table the motion, but the motion was already withdrawn.
9:49 p.m. recess; 9:55 p.m. the agenda order resumed.
Mayor Peter Carlisle’s Representative – Collins Lam reported the following:
* Mililani Community District Park – Construction on this project is 2012.
* Potholes – To report potholes call 768-7777 or log on to the City website and fill out the form.
Board of Water Supply – Erwin Kawata distributed the Halawa Xeriscape Garden 2010 – 2011 Saturday Workshop Schedule, and reported the following:
* Water Main Breaks – No water main breaks for December 2010.
* Chromium VI (Hexavalent Chromium) Concerns – A chromium report released last month suspected carcinogen in water supplies around the country. BWS is committed to protecting health and takes seriously any information about potential drinking water contaminants. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of reviewing health effects data to determine if a new standard is needed and also developing guidance on monitoring for Chromium VI. In the mean time, BWS decided to start assessing the extent of Chromium VI presence in our water supplies by collecting and testing samples and developing a sampling plan in consultation with State Department of Health (DOH).
* Water Conservation Contests Reminder – BWS annual poster and poetry contests have been launched, is open to all Oahu school children. This year’s theme is “Me He Ahupua`a – Mai Uka I Kai, E Malama Wai (As an Ahupua`a – from mountain to sea, Conserve Water).” For a contest entry form, rules or general information, visit www.boardofwatersupply.com or call 748-5041.
RESIDENTS’/COMMUNITY CONCERNS: There were no residents’/community concerns.
Councilmember Ernie Martin – Councilmember Martin circulated his written report and announced that either Kim Ribellia or he would attend the monthly Board meetings. He also said that he is looking to meet with the developers for more information on the proposed senior affordable housing.
Senator Michelle Kidani – Senator Kidani circulated her written report and highlighted the following:
* Senator Donovan Dela Cruz’s Report – The written report was available.
* Senate Committees – Vice Chair for the Ways and Means; Vice Chair for Education; and member of the Hawaiian Affairs and Public Safety, Military and Intergovernmental Affairs Committees.
* New Senators – There are seven (7) new senators this session.
* Office – Her new office is located in room 228.
* Women in Government – Senator Kidani was sworn in as the Hawaii State Director for Women in Government at the Annual Women in Government Director’s Conference in San Diego earlier this month.
Representative Marilyn Lee – Rep. Lee stood on her written report and noted:
* Organization of the House – Organization of the House should be completed soon.
* Finance Committee – A member of the Finance Committee.
* Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Budget – The CIP budget is being formulated and CIP requests are being accepted.
* November 16, 2010 – The November 16, 2010 regular meeting minutes was UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED, 5-0-0 (AYE: Ellis, Hazama, Nakasone, Suwa, Tamashiro) as circulated.
* October 19, 2010 – The October 19, 2010 minutes was UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED (AYE: 5-0-0 (Ellis, Hazama, Nakasone, Suwa, Tamashiro) with the following correction:
o Page 1, “…Update on Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Clearwire Antenna at Recreation Center 7 “Neighborhood Board No. 35 and the community is still opposed to the proposed antenna at Rec. Ctr. 7, which we believe to be an inappropriate location and there are alternative sites that would provide much needed Telcom services to the upper Mililani Mauka area. In the event that Clearwire’s permit application is approved, we ask DPP to impose a height restriction of a maximum of 50 feet, for this any and future antennas installed at the Rec. Ctr. 7 location…”
Chair’s Report – Chair Hazama reported the following:
* Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Requests – CIP requests are being accepted by the chair and three of the priority issues would be submitted. A few suggestions were an H-2 on-ramp study to add a second south bound lane; lighting for the H-2 freeway. Rep. Lee noted that per U.H. professors, concern was raised that birds are affected by unshielded street lights; and a traffic study due to possible changes to the dynamics.
* Next Meeting – The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 15, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. at the Mililani Mauka Elementary School Cafeteria, 95-1111 Makaikai Street.
* Broadcast – Videotape of Board meetings are scheduled to be shone on `Olelo Channel 54, Sunday 12:00 p.m. 92nd and 4th weeks of the month; and Channel 49, Friday 9:00 p.m. (2nd week of the month).
ADJOURNMENT – The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Submitted by: Nola J. Frank
Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dean Hazama