North Shore board discusses algae oil, wind energy, and the Haleiwa Hotel
The North Shore Neighborhood Board held its regular meeting on October 26 at the John Kalili Surf Center. Board members discussed a variety of community issues during meeting which lasted approximately two hours and thirty minutes.
The Board discussed a tentative plan for a meeting regarding the proposed Haleiwa Hotel by developer Andy Anderson.
First Wind representatives presented information regarding an additional wind farm approximately one mile mauka of Kamehameha Highway at Kawailoa. The new wind farm would be in addition to First Wind’s current wind farm in Kahuku.
Phycal representatives attended to discuss the algae farm proposed for a 17 acre parcel of land outside of Wahiawa where oil will be extracted from the algae to make biofuel.
Full meeting minutes are below.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Michael Lyons called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum of ten (10) members present. Note – This 15-member Board requires eight (8) votes to establish a quorum and take official board action.
Members Present: John Hirota, Arlene Kawahakui, Roberts “Bob” Leinau, Mike Lyons, Reed Matsuura, Antya Miller (Arrived at 7:05 p.m.), Jacob Ng, Kathleen Pahinui, Carol Phillips, Gil Riviere and Warren Scoville.
Vacancies: None.
Members Absent: Jeff Alameida, Bruce Bellows and Blake McElheny.
Guests: Tony Sanchez (Hui O Hee Nalu), Cora Sanchez, Celia Marie Moore, Nancy John, Van Anana, Hottie Nichols, Dorothy K. Anai (Waialua Hawaiian C.C.), Stew Ring (Mokuleia Community Association), Alan Lennard, Maxi Moto, Sandy Nahoopii-Soong and George Kuo (Board of Water Supply), Sheryl Bieler, Thomas Shirai, Judy Fomin (Representative Magaoay’s Office staff), Kalani Fronda (Kamehameha Schools), Joan Skinner, Alenka Remec and Jim Fulton (Mayor’s Representatives), Lt. Ben Ballesteros (Honolulu Police Department), Maj. Ronaldo B. Cabales and Maj. Matthew Gragg (US Army Garrison), Capt. John Bredin (Honolulu Fire Department), Paul and Judy V., Wren Wescott and Donalyn Dela Cruz (First Wind), Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz, Dr. Yost, Kevin Berner and Jeff Overton (Phycal), John White, Rex Dubiel, Jenna Murad, Dean Hamen, Joe Wilson, Malia Damon, Bart Smith, Kimberly Ribillia, K. Van Der Leedon, Jeff Overton and Kazu McArthur (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
It was noted that experts from the Weather Bureau were present to provide a water alert system presentation.
Ng moved and R. Leinau seconded to amend the agenda to include a water alert system presentation. The motion was ADOPTED by unanimous consent, 10-0-0 (AYE: Hirota, Kawahakui, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville).
Honolulu Fire Department – Capt. John Bredin reported;
September 2010 Statistics: Included 3 wild land fires, 2 rubbish fires, 1 vehicle fire, 23 medical emergencies, 5 search/rescues and 6 miscellaneous calls.
Safety Tip – Planning ahead can make Halloween a fire-safe one. Buy only costumes, wigs and props labeled flame resistant or flame retardant. If you are making your own costume, choose materials that will not easily burn. Avoid using costumes with billowing or long-trailing features. If your child is wearing a mask, ensure the eye holes are big enough so that vision is not obscured. Provide children with lightweight flashlights to carry for lighting. Dried flowers, cornstalks, and crepe paper are highly flammable. Keep these and other decorations away from open flames and/or heat generating sources, including light bulbs and heaters. For decorations, use simulated candles with battery powered lights.
Honolulu Police Departmet – Lt. Ben Ballesteros reported;
September 2010 Statistics: Included 17 burglaries, 39 unauthorized entries into a motor vehicle (UEMV), 32 thefts, 6 auto thefts and 5 auto theft recoveries.
Miller arrived at 7:05 p.m.; 11 members present.
Mayor Carlisle’s Representative – Alenka Remec reported;
Laniakea: There is currently no road work at Laniakea. Slow moving traffic is caused by tourists crossing the road to view the turtles on the beach.
Waimea Bay Parking: The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) endeavors to provide as much park and recreational space as possible for users. There is always a need for more parking spaces and wherever and whenever feasible, parking lot expansion is considered.
Kamehameha Highway/Haleiwa Road: The proposed configuration at the intersection of Haleiwa Road and Kamehameha Highway does not include a traffic signal. The purpose of the reconfiguration is to improve traffic operations by better channelizing traffic at the intersection.
Sunset Beach Bike Path: The Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) is taking a two pronged approach to addressing the damaged bike path. An interim approach will include:
Structurally stabilizing the bike path where it has been undermined.
Working with the Department of Design and Construction (DDC) to arrange for large sand bags to be placed to protect the bike path from erosion.
Pushing sand to cover the sand bags and restore the beach area.
The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) and DDC will look to implement a more permanent protection for the bike path. One option may be a “keystone” wall that was originally proposed in the 1990’s. The SMA permit for this wall is still valid, but we need to verify that this is still doable given the changed conditions in the area. This measure will take longer to implement, approximately two years at a minimum.
7-Eleven Intersection: The City is aware and is working with 7-Eleven in relation to the proposed intersection improvements at Kamehameha Highway and Haleiwa Road.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Replacement: Remec was thanked for the service rendered toward the North Shore community. It was reported that Jim Fulton will be the new Mayor’s representative to the Board.
Keala O Pupukea: Gratitude was expressed for repairs to Keala O Pupukea; however, it was expressed that the repairs took too long.
Process: It was expressed that park lands area community asset. Information regarding the City process of selling park lands was requested.
Proceeds: It was suggested that if park lands abutting the Jameson property are sold, proceeds should go towards improving Haleiwa Beach Park. It was further suggested that lands north of the City parcel should be developed as well.
Park Land Sale: It was suggested that park lands abutting the Jameson property not be sold. It was noted that the area is heavily used by the public.
Kaukonahua Road: It was noted that a presentation regarding access to properties from Kaukonahua Road had been made to the Wahiawa Neighborhood Board. It was expressed that the current access and egress on Kaukonahua Road is dangerous. It was suggested that access to the properties from Kaukonahua Road should either be restricted or improved.
Fire Hazard: It was noted that there was a fire violation during the September meeting due to the lack of space at the John Kalili Surf Center. It was requested that doors be unscrewed to allow for a larger crowd. It was noted that the center is currently being assessed for possible repairs.
Remec introduced Jim Fulton to the North Shore Neighborhood Board.
Board of Water Supply – George Kuo and Sandy Nahoopii-Soong reported;
Ultra-Low Flow Toilet Rebate Program: BWS and the City Department of Environmental Services (ENV) will be ending its residential Ultra-Low Flow Toilet Rebate Program at the end of 2010. Property owners wishing to participate in the program must submit applications to BWS by Friday, December 31, 2010. Applications that are properly completed and postmarked by that date will be honored, pending available funds. The BWS toilet rebate program has been in effect since 1994 and was originally scheduled to sunset on July 1, 2008; however, BWS and ENV committed to continue funding the program because it help save Oahu’s precious water supply and reduced the flow into the City’s sewer system. The program has saved more than 4.6 billion gallons of potable water on Oahu.
Safety and Security at BWS Properties and Facilities: With concerns about national security, and the increasing problem of theft and vandalism of public property, BWS has been proactive in its efforts to protect the safety of Oahu’s water supply. However, having the community as a partner to help the BWS keep an eye on its various properties, especially the remote ones, is something that is very important. Any suspicious activity occurring at a BWS should first be reported to HPD. After HPD has been contacted, please place a follow up call to BWS at 748-5911.
Water Conservation Tips: Collect Rainwater for outdoor irrigation. A thousand square feet of roof or sloped surface can collect 420 gallons of water from just an inch of rain. Be mindful in turning off the shower when lathering or shutting off the faucet when shaving or brushing teeth. Doing this can save up to 56 gallons a week. For more information visit
Kamehameha Highway Water Line Project: BWS will be planning a water line connection on Friday, November 19, 2010 during evening hours at the Kamehameha Highway/Pupukea Road intersection. The 16 inch waterline will be shut off at 11:00 p.m.; however, the eight (8) inch line will remain operational. Residents from Turtle Bay to Waimea Bay will be asked to conserve water during the water line connection. The project is anticipated to commence Friday night and end Saturday. Information will be disseminated to residents as the project approaches.
Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz – Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz reported on six (6) proposed City charter amendments that will be on the November 2, 2010 ballot. The proposed charter amendments will address the following:
Creation of a public transit authority.
Strengthening the current conflict of interest provision for newly appointed City officers.
Appointment and removal of the Liquor Commission Administrator by the Liquor Commission.
Amending language inconsistencies in the Charter.
Addressing the disposal of public property.
Creation of an Office of Housing.
It was also reported that bills relating to the installation of surveillance cameras to monitor illegal dumping and a ban of consumer fireworks were passed by the City Council. In response to a resident’s concern, the Kaiaka Bay supervisor will better monitor the mowing activities. The City Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) had agreed to involve several community members to work on the community planning of the Pupukea master plan. It was noted that the State Department of Health (DOH) inspects lunch wagons every two (2) years; however, any complaint will be responded to. Two (2) types of parking regulation signs will be posted along the North Shore. It was noted that the Public Transit Authority would need to follow rules on the sunshine law.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
1. Public Transit Authority: It was asked and clarified that if a public transit authority is not created, the Mayor’s office will have total decision making power regarding public transit matters in the City.
2. Mahalo: Gratitude was expressed to the Councilmember for services rendered to the community. Gratitude was also expressed for heading the Laniakea bike path project.
3. Liquor Commission: It was suggested that liquor commissioner administrators not serve on any other public Boards while working on the liquor commission.
4. Waialua Warning Light: It was requested a blinking warning light be placed before and after Waialua Elementary School instead of in front. It was expressed the proper placement of the light would address safety issues for children.
Treasurer’s Report – R. Leinau reported expenditures of a $125.25 for printing and postage and a $250.00 for videotaping for the month of September 2010. The report was filed.
Transportation Committee – There was no report.
Flood/Emergency/Waterway – Jacob Ng reported that federal funding for placement of water sensors has been received. The City and State will be contacted to discuss the installation of water containment facilities. Letters have been sent to City and State agencies concerning the importance of the Kaiaka Bay watershed.
Disaster Preparedness – Antya Miller reported that the storage container for disaster equipment will be cleaned by the end of November.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Flooding: It was suggested that the container be chained down in anticipation of potential flooding.
Homelessness Committee – Kathleen Pahinui reported the City has been contacted about identifying potential parcels for emergency services. Discussion has taken place with Kamehameha Schools and Castle and Cooke on potential short and long term solutions to resolve homelessness. The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday, November 4, 2010.
Agriculture Committee – Gil Riviere reported that the next agriculture committee meeting will be held on Thursday, October 28, 2010.
U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii – Maj. Gragg introduced Maj. Cabales to the community and reported that A Veteran’s Day Parade will be held on Thursday, November 11, 2010 on California Avenue in Wahiawa. Training exercises will be held at Dillingham Airfield on November 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 18, 23 and 24, 2010.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
1. Schofield Soldier: It was reported that a soldier stationed at Schofield had recently died in battle. Gratitude was expressed for service rendered by military personnel.
2. Branch Reporting: It was suggested that all branches of the military report to the community when training at Dillingham airfield.
1. Kamehameha Schools: It was requested that time be appropriated at the next regular Board meeting to discuss a proposal by Kamehameha Schools for the purchase of City owned parcels abutting the Jameson property. The Chair agreed to place the presentation on the November regular meeting agenda.
2. Waialua School Consolidation: Testimony was given in support of consolidating Waialua Elementary and Intermediate School. It was noted there is ample space to accommodate 7th and 8th grade students at Waialua Elementary School.
3. September Meeting: Multiple comments were given concerning the early adjournment of the September meeting. It was stated that the Chair did the right thing in adjourning the meeting for public safety reasons. It was noted that the neighborhood board is a place for community members to voice their opinions in a safe civil manner. It was noted that a number of community members did not feel safe voicing their opinions. Documents between the Neighborhood Commission Office and the Board chair were presented. It was expressed that the Chair did not follow proper procedure. It was stated that there were over 200 persons in attendance at that meeting. It was expressed that it was unfair to adjourn the meeting due to a single persons disregard to the rules. It was expressed that individuals could hear due to the lack of an adequate sound system. It was suggested time be reserved at a future meeting to discuss the presentation given by Andy Anderson.
4. Senate Bill: Information was given concerning Senate Bill S510-HR-27-49. It was expressed that the bill is aimed at supporting corporate agriculture while shutting down small farms. It was suggested the bill be discussed at the next Board Agriculture committee.
5. Research: It was suggested that public officials do research before deciding on a matter. It was reported that the proposed dog park was not on the site of the Kapukapuakea Heiau. A Board member stated that extensive research had verified that the proposed dog park sat on the Kapukapuakea Heiau site.
6. Sustainable Community Plan: Concern was expressed concerning changes made to the sustainable community plan by the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) after it had left the Public Advisory committee. It was noted that a hearing will be held to review the plan on Wednesday, October 27, 2010.
7. Ohai Hoike: The Ohai Hoike Art show will be held on Friday, November 5, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The event will feature upcoming artists and dancers of the Ohai Street area.
Corrections to the minutes included;
· Page 2 – under Presentation of “Old Haleiwa Hotel” Replication Plans should read…that purchase of one (1) City parcel…Anderson requested one (1) parcel…
Pahinui moved, Matsuura seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. The minutes were APPROVED AS CORRECTED, 12-0-0 (AYE: Hirota, Kawahakui, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, Miller, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville).
Revisit the Proposed Conceptual Haleiwa Hotel Conceptual Plan and Possible Special Meeting – Jacob Ng reported that several community members have requested a resolution be drafted to address the proposed Haleiwa Hotel. It was suggested a decision making hearing be scheduled at the early part of 2011.
Ng moved, R. Leinau seconded to schedule a meeting next year for decision making purposes on the Haleiwa Hotel.
Discussion followed;
1. Land Discussion: It was suggested the meeting also permit discussion concerning land.
2. Participation: It was suggested that Andy Anderson, Kamehameha Schools (KS) and Save Haleiwa Beach Park be invited to a special meeting to discuss all options with all involved parties. Disappointment was expressed concerning the behavior demonstrated at the September regular meeting. It was requested that all persons attending the meeting act in a civil manner and respect the views of all persons.
3. Kamehameha Schools: It was noted that a presentation KS will be on the November agenda. It was suggested that the KS presentation be heard and considered before a decision is made.
4. Presentation: It was noted that it was requisite for Anderson to make a presentation to the community as part of the application process. It was stated that Anderson would not return to do an additional testimony. It was expressed that there was not adequate time for questioning during the September meeting.
5. Land Offer: It was clarified since KS is an abutting land owner, the City has notified KS that the land is available; however, it was noted that an official offer has not been issued to any abutting property owners.
Ng moved, R. Leinau seconded an amendment to the motion to schedule a hearing next January or February to discuss the proposed Haleiwa Hotel and its related land areas.
Discussion followed; The Chair clarified that efforts to secure an appropriate sized venue for the meeting would be made.
Pahinui moved, Riviere seconded to amend the motion to invite Andy Anderson, Kamehameha Schools and Save Haleiwa Beach Park to the meeting. The amendment was ADOPTED, 10-0-2 (AYE: Hirota, Kawahakui, R. Leinau, Matsuura, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville. ABSTAIN: Lyons and Miller).
The amendment to schedule a hearing next January or February to discuss the proposed Haleiwa Hotel and its related land areas was ADOPTED, 12-0-0 (AYE: Hirota, Kawahakui, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, Miller, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville.
The motion to schedule a meeting next year for decision making purposes on the Haleiwa Hotel was ADOPTED, 12-0-0 (AYE: Hirota, Kawahakui, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, Miller, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville).
The Chair clarified that an alternate venue will be sought for a meeting to discuss the proposed Haleiwa Hotel. It was further noted that invitations would be sent to Anderson, Kamehameha Schools and Save Haleiwa Beach Park to attend the meeting. The Chair also noted that the Neighborhood Commission Office would be consulted when securing a venue.
Kaena Point Fence Update: A representative was not present; no update was given.
First Wind – Donalyn Dela Cruz and Wren Wescott reported that First Wing will be building a wind park in Kawailoa. The wind park would be located one (1) mile Mauka of Kamehameha Highway. First wind is currently coordinating its plans in harmony with Kamehameha Schools and the United States Military. It is estimated that the turbines will service 15000 homes. Permitting will include an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), a habitat conservation plan, a conservation district use permit and a Federal environmental assessment. First wind will be working with the community to give back to the community.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
1. Line of Sight: It was requested that turbines be hidden from the line of sight.
2. Number of Turbines: It was asked and clarified that there will be between 30 and 43 turbines erected.
3. Color: It was asked and clarified that the turbines will be white. It was suggested the turbines be colored brown or green. It was state noted that the geography of the land will hide the turbines. Visual simulations will be available in the future.
4. Permit: A hard copy of the permits was requested.
Phycal Update – Kevin Berner and Jeff Overton reported that the Phycal project is within the Wahiawa Neighborhood Board district. Phase one (1) of the Federal Department of Energy contract has been executed. The design of the pilot project has passed an Environmental Assessment (EA). Phycal has also submitted documents for a Conditional use Permit (CUP). It was noted that after oil can be extracted from the algae. A public hearing on the project will be held on Monday, November 15, 2010 at Honolulu Hale.
1. Genetic Modification: It was clarified that the Phycal will not use genetic modification on algae.
2. Waste Stream: It was noted that the need for a waste stream will be eliminated since all parts of the algae will be used after the oil has been extracted.
3. Environmental Assessment: A copy of the environmental Assessment was requested. A copy of the assessment was made available to the Board for review.
4. Kasava: It was asked and clarified that Phycal will be growing Kasava on a 17acre parcel.
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Water Alert System – Dr. Yost reported that sensors have been placed in Helemano and Opaeula Stream to monitor flooding conditions. Sensor updates and alerts can be provided via email or text message. Frequency and parameters of updates can be set on USGS website. Another presentation will be provided in November with representatives for the State Civil Defense and the City Department of Emergency Management. For more information individuals may visit
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Frequency: It was asked and clarified that alerts will be sent only when certain criteria has been met. The frequency of time between received messages will depend on how fast the water is rising. It was noted that the system is still new in Hawaii and there is not enough existing data to judge how fast water levels will rise.
Congresswoman Mazie Hirono – No representative was present; no report was given.
Senator Laura Figueria – Laura Figueria noted the function of the Board is to remain objective and allow the community to voice their opinion.
Representative Michael Magaoay – Michael Magaoay expressed gratitude to the Board for the hard work done.
1. Christmas Party: The Chamber of Commerce will be holding a Christmas party on Wednesday, December 1, 2010 and honoring Bill Paty as the North Shore Kamaaina of the Year.
2. Parade: The Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a Christmas parade on Friday, December 10, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Kamehameha Highway through Haleiwa Town will be closed.
3. Volunteer: To volunteer with Friends of Haleiwa, please call Antya Miller at 637-4558.
4. Outdoor Circle: The North Shore Outdoor Circle will be pulling weeds at weed circle on Tuesday, November 2, 2010.
5. Softball Registration: The Waialua Little League will be opening a softball team. For more information, visit:
6. Next Meeting: The Next North Shore Neighborhood Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at the John Kalili Surf Center at 7:00 p.m.
ADOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m.
Submitted by: Kazuaki McArthur, Neighborhood Assistants
Reviewed by: Mike Lyons, Chair