Algae oil, biofuel, and camping permits discussed at Wahiawa-Whitmore
The Wahiawa-Whitmore Village Neighborhood Board held their regular monthly meeting on October 18 to discuss a variety of community issues.
Residents expressed concerns about camping fees and noted that the process of retaining camping permits close to home has become difficult with the changes in the process. According to the meeting minutes, the Central Oahu resident said that the placement of the lines are uncomfortable, and it is not easy for working people to wait in line. The resident expressed that this leaves the process “easily accessible to the non-working people, which leaves camping sites filled with homeless who can wait in line.”
The Wahiawa property known as “Dr. DeHarne’s” was mentioned when a board member brought to the board’s attention that there was an open house at the site of Dr. DeHarne’s property. According to the meeting minutes, they are planning to build what appear to be condominiums. The board noted that the plans weren’t presented to the board and there was a question of whether it was approved for the residential area that it is in.
Keith Kurahashi, a consultant from Biomass to Energy (BTE) presented information on a proposed biofuel facility for Kunia where the facility would turn waste products into energy that would be less expensive than energy from Hawaii Electric Company. Community members expressed concerned about the process, safety and health issues, and how the facility would affect tax payers.
Full meeting minutes can be viewed below.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ben Acohido called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.; with a quorum of six members present. Note – This nine (9) member Board requires five (5) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.
Members Present – Ben Acohido, Joeseph Francher, Jeanne Ishikawa, Silvia Koch, Hugh Lowery, Cindy Bauer (Arrived 7:20), and Robert Lormand.
Members Absent – Dean Harvest and Mary Jane Lee.
Vacancies – The Board has no current vacancy.
Guests – Dave Watkins and Lieutenant Jacob Galbreath (U.S. Navy), Nestor D. Muyot, Keanu Young (Councilmember Donavan Dela Cruz’s Representative), David Laviaria, Patrina Laviaria, Alena Pule, Jyun Yamamoto, John Chang (Mayor’s Representative), Jeff Overton, Tracy Furuya, Marian Tsuji, Jack Watkins, Valentine Peroff Jr., Kevin Lefforge, Senator Laura Figueira, Dexter Sato, Paul Shinkawa, and Aisha Wang (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
Chair Acohido apologized for the short notice in changing the meeting site. He said that he knew that the community paper printed the incorrect meeting place and there was a mix-up with the reservation of the Whitmore Gym as the meeting site so the meeting was moved to the elementary school at the last minute.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Acohido welcomed everyone to the meeting and led in the pledge of allegiance.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – There was no representative available.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – There was no representative available.
Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz: Representative Keanu Young reported the following information:
Charter Amendments – Representative Young went over the amendments that would be on the November 2, 2010 General election. Six charter amendments with the most important regarding creating a semi-autonomous public transit authority responsible for the planning, construction, operation, maintenance, and expansion of the City’s fixed guide-way mass transit system which Councilmember Dela Cruz supports.
Bill 34 – The bill relating to regulating fireworks was signed by Acting Mayor Kirk Caldwell and will go into effect January 2, 2011.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Whitmore Concerns:
· Street lights are out at Kilani Street and Westervelt Street.
· The bus stops need to be repainted.
· There needs to be a restroom facility constructed at the park.
· There are potholes that need to be filled in Aheahe, Ehoeho and Ihiihi.
· Sidewalks are needed at Kulia Street and Whitmore Avenue
· There also needs to be a marked crosswalk at Kulia Street and Hanau Street to avoid a dangerous situation when children are dropped off or picked up in that area of Whitmore.
· There are several cars illegally parked and blocking the view of drivers coming out of Pekelo Place. There needs to be “no parking” signs to prevent cars from parking illegally.
Representative will forward these concerns to the proper departments.
Traffic Light Request – At the intersection of Kunia Drive and Kunia Road there is a dangerous situation and there needs to be a traffic light to reduce the number of accidents in that area.
Senator Bobby Bunda – Laura Figueira introduced herself as the replacement for Senator Bunda and invited residents to call 586-6090 for any concerns.
The United States Navy Officer Jacob Galbreath introduced himself. Any concerns that the residents my have can be left at 653-1118, as he has no phone number at the moment.
1. Camping Fees – A resident brought up the issue that the process of retaining camping permits close to home has become difficult with the changes in the process. The placement of the lines are uncomfortable, it is not easy for working people to wait in line leaving it easily accessible to the non-working people which leaves camping sites filled with homeless who can wait in line.
Dr. DeHarne’s Property – A board member brought to the board’s attention that there was an open house at the site of Dr. DeHarne’s property. They are planning to build what appear to be condominiums. These plans weren’t presented to the Board and there was a question of whether it was approved for the residential area that it is in.
APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: Hearing no objections, the regular meeting minutes of the July 19, 2010 and August 16, 2010 were approved as circulated.
BIOFUEL FACILITY AT KUNIA: Keith Kurahashi, a consultant from Biomass to Energy (BTE) presented the following:
BTE, a biofuel company looking to develop a site in Kunia will take waste products and turn into energy using a technique that requires no water or harmful chemicals so it is not dangerous to humans. In order to be fully operational they would need approximately one year to set-up and no Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Is necessary because the process uses heat to break down waste products and the outcome will create energy that is less expensive than Hawaiian Electric (HECO).
Questions, comments and concerns that followed:
1. Safety Concerns – Residents were concerned about the health and safety issues and if there was a requirement for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
2. Project Timeline – Timeline estimations, other renewable energy projects, how this project would affect tax-payers and the benefits to the community were raised.
3. Biofuel Waste Products – Questions about the process, waste products that will be created, how the energy will be used and effects of the company in Kunia were raised.
WAHIAWA IMPROVEMENTS WITH ART: The presentation was deferred until the next meeting in November.
Chair Acohido announced that the Phycal Algae Pilot Project will be allowed to give an informational presentation, however no decision can be made on the project because the item was not on the agenda. He reminded all board members that this presentation is purely informative.
PHYCAL ALGAE PILOT PROJECT: Guy Ontai introduced the Phycal Algae Pilot Project, a company to farm algae to produce oil that is not too dissimilar from extra virgin olive oil. They have received an EIS approval of no significant impact on the environment. There will be a hearing on the project November 15, 2010 by the Department of Permitting and Planning.
Questions, comments and concerns that followed:
1. Use of the Product – The project removes the fat from algae to produce electricity that can be used by HECO and the other portion used for jet fuels.
2. Pilot Plan – Questions were raised as to the timeline of the project going fully operational, traffic concerns and noise were also brought up.
Treasurer – In the absence of the treasurer; Chair Acohido reported that the Board expended $24.88 for the month of October leaving a balance of $3,627.03. The Board needs to meet to discuss the Boards budget and the use over the year.
1. Transportation – No report.
2. Dam/Waterway – No report.
Community Organizations:
1. Wahiawa Community Base Development Organization – No report.
2. Wahiawa Business Community Association – No report.
3. Whitmore Village Community Organization – Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Survey from City Auditor – A questionnaire from the City auditor; was sent to residents Chair Acohido announced that those homes chosen randomly should turn them into to assist the City in this survey.
Friends for Hawaii Art Show – Friends for Hawaii Art show will present a Block Party on Friday, November 5, 2010 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Submitted by Aisha A.C. Wang, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by Ben Acohido, Chairperson