Bike path and parking issues at North Shore Neighborhood Board meeting
At the July meeting of the North Shore Neighborhood Board, community and board members gathered to discuss various issues in the tight knit community. Among these issues were proposed youth art classes at the Sunset Beach Recreational Center, parking issues at Laniakea Beach and Waimea Bay, and the deterioration of the bike path at Sunset Beach.
The monthly board meetings which take place at Alii Beach Park’s John Kalili Surf Center provide a place for community issues to be addressed, as well as residents to voice their concerns. Below are the recently released meeting minutes.
TUESDAY, JULY 27, 2010
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Pro-Tem Michael Lyons called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum of twelve (12) members present. Note – This 15-member Board requires eight (8) votes to establish a quorum and take official board action.
Members Present: Bruce Bellows, John Hirota (Arrived at 7:09), Arlene Kawahakui, Jacqueline Leinau, Roberts “Bob” Leinau, Michael Lyons, Reed Matsuura, Blake McElheny, Antya Miller (Arrived at 7:15), Jacob Ng, Kathleen Pahinui, Carol Phillips, Gil Riviere and Warren Scoville.
Vacancies: None.
Members Absent: Jeff Alameida.
Guests: Judy Fomin (Representatve Magaoay’s Office staff), Josh Heimowitz (Young Mens Christian Association), Thomas Shirai, Geogre and Jeanette Grace, Robert Batangan, Patrick Quijano, Melvin Rivera, Jeanette M. (Sunset Beach Community Association), Bobby T, Stephen W., Sandy Nahoopii-Soong and George Kuo (Board of Water Supply), Demaris Martinez, Nash Witten, Judy Witten, Paul Conroy, Maj. Scott Gragg (Army Garrison), Allen Caller, Cezar Ringer, Carol Ward, Sandra Park, Denis Park, S. Joe Estores, Cynthia K. Rezentes, Senator Clayton Hee, Vena Cedric Chong, Ben Shafer, Ron Valenciano, Jo Jordan (Waianae Neighborhood Board), Maj. Ken Simmons and Lt. Ben Ballesteros (Honolulu Police Department), Keapoi Namakaeha (Affordable Housing and Homeless Alliance), Brian Suzuki (Departmrnt of Transportation Services), Haiia Pacheco, Bodo Van Der Leeden, Chris Camarillo, Capt. Anderson (Honolulu Fire Department) and Woody Adams.
Moment of Silence: Chair Pro-Tem Lyons asked those present to join in a moment of silence for former Board member Gerry Meade.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chair Pro-Tem Lyons opened the floor for Board officer nominations. Scoville nominated Lyons as Chair, Pahinui as Vice-Chair, Riviere as Secretary and R. Leinau as Treasurer.
Seeing no other nominations, the Board re-elected all Board officers by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 12-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, Kawahakui, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, McElheny, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville).
Recess Months: The Chair opened the floor for suggestions on Board recess months.
Pahinui moved, Scoville seconded to recess in August 2010, December 2010 and April 2011. The motion was ADPTED UNANIMOUSLY 12-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, Kawahakui, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, McElheny, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville).
Seeing no objection, the agenda was moved out of order to hear item 4a. Honolulu Fire Department.
Honolulu Fire Department: Capt. Anderson reported;
June 2010 Statistics: Included 1 structure fire, 5 wild land fires, 7 rubbish fires, 1 vehicle fire, 52 medical emergencies, 5 search/rescues and 9 miscellaneous calls.
Major Incident: There was a fire on Papa Circle that included ten (10) fire companies.
Fire Safety Tip: Cigarettes and other smoking materials are the leading cause of fire deaths in the United States. The latest fire on Oahu was a result of an unattended cigarette. The following are safety precautions. 1) Smoke outside. 2) Use deep, wide ashtrays placed on a sturdy table. 3) Extinguish cigarette butts with water or sand before disposal.
Child Safety Tip: A child on Maui caused $350,000 worth of damages while playing with a lighter in June. A child as young as two (2) years old can start a fire. Some fire safety tips included; 1) Keep matches and lighters out of children’s sight and reach. 2) Teach children that matches and lighters are not toys. 3) Use only child-resistant lighters. 4) Teach children to tell an adult if they see matches or lighters.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Weed Circle: It was asked and clarified that witnesses claimed that the fire on Weed Circle was caused by adolescents throwing fireworks into the bushes. It was also reported that the adolescents jumped on the bus before the police could apprehend them.
The agenda resumed order with item 3B. Post Office Box Rental Fee.
Post Office Box Rental Fee: The Chair reported that the Board will not pursue the reservation of a post office box.
Videotaping: The Chair opened the floor for discussion to pursue videotaping of Board meetings. It was suggested that the Board pursue a videotaping budget that would not exceed current budget used for videotaping.
R. Leinau moved, Pahinui seconded to approve a budget for videotaping that will not exceed $250 a month. The motion was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 12-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, Kawahakui, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, McElheny, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville).
Hirota arrived at 7:09 p.m.; thirteen (13) members present.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Lt. Ben Ballesteros reported;
June Statistics: Included 16 burglaries, 35 unauthorized entries to a motor vehicle (UEMV), 37 thefts, 6 auto thefts, 2 auto theft recoveries, 2 graffiti.
Unlawful Postings: Except for public officers in performance of a public duty, or a private person giving legal notice, it is unlawful for persons to print, paint, post, nail or otherwise fasten printed media on curb stones, lampposts, utility poles, street lights, hydrants, tree signs, traffic signs, traffic lights or on any public property in the State.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Enforcement: It was asked and clarified HPD needs to see illegal posting to enforce the law; however, witnesses may also call HPD to give testimony of illegal posting incidents. It was also noted that HPD will often contact numbers on signs and ask that businesses remove any illegal signs pertaining to them.
Other Signage: It was clarified that political signs are allowed at designated times of an election year. It was also clarified that garage sale signs and real estate sign on grassy areas are also illegal.
Miller arrived at 7:15 p.m.; fourteen (14) members present.
Acting Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s Representative: Alenka Remec allowed Brian Suzuki of the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) to report on the Kaukonhua Road Topographic Study before commencing with the regular Ma
Kaukonahua Road Topographic Study: Brian Suzuki reported that the Kaukonahua Road Topographic Study has not been forgotten by the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OMPO) or DTS. It was reported that though funding for the study was not included in the FY2011 Overall Work Program (OWP), funding is being sought under the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). It was stated that the study has full support of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Kaukonahua Road Input: It was noted that the s-curve on Kaukonahua Road is very dangerous. It was asked if the community would have an opportunity to give input. It was stated that though funding for the topographic study is being sought, DTS is currently evaluating the hazards associated with access to and egress from properties on Kaukonahua Road.
Alenka Remec commenced with the regular Mayor’s Report.
Sunset Beach Recreational Center: Increasing youth art programs may be possible, but is pending the availability of room space and an instructor. A volunteer art teacher is not allowed to charge students attending the class at this time.
Kamehameha Highway/Haleiwa Road: DTS will be revising the geometrics of the intersection of Kamehameha Highway and Haleiwa Road as an alternative to the installation of traffic signals. DTS will be reconfiguring the intersection of Kamehameha Highway and Haleiwa Road to improve channelization of vehicular movements and to assist pedestrian crossing under a future Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Laniakea: It was asked if the City is doing any work on the parking areas at Laniakea Beach.
Waimea Bay: It was requested that the City provide more parking at Waimea Bay. It was noted that local residents cannot find parking.
Kamehameha Highwy/Haleiwa Road: Upon review of the proposed intersection reconfiguration, it was stated that the newly proposed design for the Kamehameha Highway/Haleiwa Road intersection will still require a traffic light even with the stop sign installed.
Sunset Beach: It was noted that parts of the bike path near Sunset Beach that have been partly washed out by wave action and look ready to cave in soon. It was asked if the City would give immediate attention to this matter before the bike path disappears.
7-11: It was asked if changes would be made to the Kamehameha Highway/Haleiwa Road intersection in anticipation of a 7-11 being built.
Night Work: It was noted that a letter has been sent by Councilmember Dela Cruz to the Board of Water Supply (BWS) requesting that night work be considered for the waterline project along Kamehameha Highway, fronting Pupukea Road. It was noted that residents at a recent Sunset Beach Community Association meeting were in favor of having night work.
Topographic Study: It was asked and clarified that the topographical study of Kaukonahua Raod will take approximately a year to complete after funding is granted.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): George Kuo reported;
Water Main Breaks: There were no water main breaks reported in June 2010.
Halawa Xeriscape Garden Open House: BWS will be hosting the Halawa Xeriscape Garden Open House and Unthirsty Plant Sale on Saturday, August 7, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The open house will include free workshops, games and gardening for the family as well as free mulch giveaway. Local nurseries will be offering unthirsty plants at moderate prices. For more information, visit
Website: Please check the website for BWS furlough dates and ongoing BWS projects.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Night Work: It was stated that the community has petitioned for night work. It was asked and clarified that the letter from Councilmember Dela Cruz was received by BWS on July 26, 2010 but had not yet been reviewed. BWS stated that residents near the project need to be contacted before a noise variance can be obtained. It was also noted that there are also other projects affecting the area.
Petition: It was noted that the petition put a special emphasis on contacting residents near the project. It was expressed that it would be more efficient for BWS to work at night due to less traffic. It was also noted that the upcoming Triple Crown of Surfing will result in more traffic.
Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz: Reed Matsuura circulated a newsletter and reported the following;
Identification of Agricultural Lands (IAL): The IAL bill (HB 1640) was passed by the 2005 Legislature and was signed into law as ACT 183 by Governor Lingle. Under the Act, Councilmember Dela Cruz was able to include $500,000 into the operating budget to help fund the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) to identify and map potential important agricultural lands.
BILL 34: Bill 34 regarding the ban of fireworks was referred out of the Public Safety and Services Committee and passed second reading. Councilmember Dela Cruz supports bill as written because it allows the public display of firework for cultural purposes.
Charles Djou: Due to the departure of former Councilmember Charles Djou, Councilmember Dela Cruz is now chair of the Executive Matters and Legal Affairs Committee. Former Police Chief Lee Donohue was appointed to fill the seat left vacant by Djou and to Chair the Public Safety and Services committee.
Request for Investigation & Service Report (RISR): various RISR’s include: request that BWS start night work on the Kamehameha Highway waterline project, Ke Ala Pupukea bike path remediation, Banzai Skate Park comfort station, No Parking signs on Sunset Beach area streets and Velzyland squatters.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
No Parking Signs: It was noted that there are very few parking areas on the North Shore. It was expressed that No Parking Signs are disturbing beach goers. It was clarified that DTS installs No Parking signs for public safety.
Treasurer’s Report: Roberts Leinau reported that the remaining Board balance is $43.04. The June spending shows $178.76 for printing and postage and $250.00 for video taping.
The Treasurer’s report was ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 14-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, Hirota, Kawahakui, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, McElheny, Miller, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville).
COMMITTEES: Chair Lyons requested that all committee reports for July be submitted in writing. It was noted that person wanting to review July committee reports may contact the Chair.
Pahinui moved, Riviere seconded to table agenda items 6 through 9 until after the item 10A Kaena Point Advisory Board Presentation. The motion was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 14-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, Hirota, Kawahakui, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, McElheny, Miller, Ng, Pahinui, Phillips, Riviere and Scoville).
Chair Lyons reminded those present to be respectful with comments regarding the presentation. It was stated that comments will be limited to three (3) minutes each with Pahinui keeping time.
Kaena Point Advisory Board Presentation: Chair William Aila of the Kaena Point Advisory Group (KPAG) noted that comments and questions regarding KPAG issues may be forwarded to [email protected]. Surveys and handouts were circulated to the Board. The purpose of the presentation is to gather public comment on recommendations and management at Kaena Point. The following was presented;
· KPAG History: KPAG was created on April 14, 2009 and is comprised of representatives from Government agencies and different groups with ties to Kaena Point. Groups represented include: North Shore Neighborhood Board, Friends of Kaena Point, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Oahu Burial Council, Waianae Neighborhood Board, Camp Erdman, as well as fishermen, conservationists and cultural practitioners.
· KPAG Purpose: The purpose of KPAG is to advise the State Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) on the management of Kaena Point through recommendations developed through communication and involvement with the public and neighboring communities and users.
· Areas of Consensus: KPAG representatives have agreed on the need for a designated road beyond the currently paved section. A designated road will assist in the protection and preservation of the sand dunes and Leina Ka Uhane while also allowing access to Kaena Point.
· Designated Road Options: KPAG has proposed three (3) options for a designated road. The “Upper Road “option would lessen the amount of vehicular access to the shoreline. The “Loop Road” option would incorporate the upper road option but also allow for more access to the shoreline. The “Network Road” option would utilize several existing unpaved roads and allow the most shoreline access but would also cause erosion. The designated road will be created by lining the edge of existing unpaved roadways with rocks, plants and other natural resources.
· Other Measures: KPAG is also looking into vehicle registry and the issuance of vehicle permits as additional methods to prevent improper practices and to promote preservation and responsible use of Kaena Point.
· Future Steps: KPAG will review and analyze public comments and survey results, continue discussion and review of management at Kaena Point, present a written submittal of KPAG recommendations to BLNR and assist in the implementation of management plans at Kaena Point.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Property Damage: A resident raised concern that persons parked across the street on Haleiwa Beach Road have caused property damage of up to $1500. HPD advised the resident to call 911 when suspect activity occurs.
Hawaii Fish Company, Mokuleia: It was noted that the Board had sent a letter in the year 2000 in support of a long term lease for the Hawaii Fish Company, Mokuleia aquaculture farm. The hearing on the long term lease has been set and it was requested that the Board redate and resend the letter.
Pahinui moved, Matsuura seconded to redate and resend a letter in support of a long term lease for the Hawaii Fish Company, Mokuleia. The motion was APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, Ng, Pahinui, Riviere, and Scoville.)
Inappropriate Art: A resident raised concern of art that is being displayed in public view that is described as pornographic in nature.
Satellite Tracking Station: A handout on a satellite tracking station project was circulated to the public. The project proposes to demolish and reconstruct an existing station at Kaena Point and erect a 52 foot antenna. The project is currently waiting for an Environmental Assessment (EA). The public will be notified when the EA is ready for public review.
Kukaniloko Land Study: The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) will be hosting a meeting on the traditional cultural property study for Kukaniloko on July 22, 2010 at the Halehookipa Room at Wahiawa District Park from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Funding for Officers: It was expressed that Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) officers need more funding to protect natural resources and fulfill duties properly.
School Consolidation: Copies of petition letters were given to the Board and it was reported that a public hearing on the consolidation of Haleiwa Elementary, Waialua Intermediate and Waialua High School will be held on July 7, 2010 at the Haleiwa Elementary School cafeteria. Sign waving in support of non-consolidation will be held on July 6, 2010 along Weed Circle. It was stated that the problem with consolidating the schools lies in the lack of funding that will be available to provide a proper learning environment for students.
Puiki Cemetery: Photos of Puiki Cemetery were circulated to the Board. Individuals were recognized for service rendered in beautifying the cemetery. It was requested that pets be kept off of cemetery grounds.
Graffiti Bust: Gratitude was expressed for Graffiti Bust workers for cleaning graffiti in the area. It was requested that the Board recognize the Graffiti Bust.
The meeting resumed order with BOARD/COMMITTEE REPORTS.
Treasurer’s Report: Roberts Leinau reported the remaining board balance is $734.74. The May spending shows $137.06 for printing and postage and $250 for video taping.
The Treasurer’s report was ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, Ng, Pahinui, Riviere, and Scoville.)
Transportation Committee: Gil Riviere reported that traffic lights will not be placed at the Goodale Avenue/Waialua Beach Road and Haleiwa Road/Kamehameha Highway intersections; however, the road will be redesigned to address traffic concerns. It was suggested that the Board send a thank you letter to Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz and the DTS director for cooperation with the intersection concerns.
Pahinui moved, Riviere seconded to send a thank you letter to Councilmember Dela Cruz and the DTS director for their cooperation on the intersection issues. The motion was ADOPTED UNANYMOUSLY, 9-0-0 (Aye: Bellows, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, Ng, Pahinui, Riviere, and Scoville.)
Flood/Emergency/Waterway: Jacob Ng reported that the next meeting will be held June 23, 2010 at the Haleiwa Shingon Mission. The agenda will cover a long range flood mitigation plan, Ku Tree Reservoir, short and long range Wahiawa Reservoir plans, repair of the Wahiawa Reservoir gates and water quality. The Committee is requesting a site visit of Drum Road. Five (5) individuals were verified to take a site visit of Stryker Road on June 25, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. A news article was circulated to the Board of a flood control study that will be held.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Funding: It was asked and answered that funding is being sought through the Department of Health (DOH) and Kamehameha Schools.
Disaster Preparedness: No representative was present; no report was available.
Homelessness: Kathleen Pahinui reported that a survey will be taken to gather input from the homeless. The committee is working with City officials to gather data and is in the process of looking at possible land options to allow for homeless services. Volunteer efforts are being organized to prepare current housing for occupation. The next meeting will be at the Waialua Community Association Cottage 2 on July 1, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Agriculture: Jacqueline Leinau reported that a wide variety of individuals attended the meeting on June 17, 2010. Councilmember Dela Cruz also attended the meeting and clarified Bill 23 and Bill 24. The committee will be drafting an agricultural action plan which will support both residents and farmers. The next meeting will be at the Waialua Community Association Cottage 2 on July 22, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
1. State Problem: It was expressed that “Gentlemen Farms” (farmland that is purchased with no real intent of agricultural use or development) are a problem that is affecting other areas in the state.
2. Election of Chair: It was asked and clarified that the election of an Agricultural Committee Chair will be held in July.
25th Infantry Report: Major Gregg reported that the military has been involved with a number of school and youth related activities on the North Shore. A variety of training activities were reported at Dillingham throughout the month of July.
Drum Road: Mike Egami reported that phase 2 of Drum Road has been completed. Twenty (20) miles have been paved while three (3) miles have been left unpaved due to OHA restrictions. The road will be considered for emergency vehicle access during time of disaster.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Thank You: Gratitude was expressed to the 25th Infantry for reaching out to the community.
July 4 Activities: It was asked and clarified that July 4 activities at Schofield will include a 5K run, child fun run, various musical groups, battle of the bands, car drawing, fireworks and other family activities.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS): It was asked and clarified that the proposed vehicle trail from Farrington Highway to Dillingham airfield has been cancelled due to the lack of funding.
Page 3 – Under Intersections should read…(DTS) review and remove the recommendation of lights..
Page 5 – Under Sunset Beach Recreational Center should read…there are very limited youth art programs
Pahinui moved, Matsuura seconded to approve the May 25, 2010 as amended. The minutes were ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, Ng, Pahinui, Riviere, and Scoville.)
AGENDA REQUESTS: There were no agenda requests.
Tow Company Request: Kathleen Pahinui circulated a draft letter to the Board. The letter was addressed to the Mayor and requested that a tow company be allocated near the North Shore. It was stated that the nearest tow company is situated in Campbell Industrial Park. It was expressed that HPD is spending unnecessary time waiting for tow trucks to tow away vehicles. Corrections, commentary and input on the letter were invited.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Suggestions: It was suggested that the fourth paragraph indentation be removed and a contact number be included at the bottom of the letter.
Industrial Area: It was clarified that the lot needs to be located in an industrial area. It was also stated that the tow company will be responsible to locate land for the lot.
R. Leinau moved, Ng seconded to send out the letter as amended. The letter was ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, Matsuura, Ng, Pahinui, Riviere, and Scoville.)
Since two-thirds of the Board was not present, a motion to add “Approval to draft a letter in support of not consolidating the Waialua School Complex” could not be made. The Chair invited Board members to send individual letters of support for the non-consolidation of the Waialua School Complex. A generic letter template was made available for the use of interested Board members.
Congresswoman Mazie Hirono: No representative was present; no report was available.
State Senator Robert Bunda: No representative was present; no report was available.
State Representative Michael Magaoay: Larry Sagaysay circulated a newsletter and reported that HB2486 relating to education has turned into Act 167. HB2775 relating to agriculture was also highlighted.
Next Meeting – Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Haleiwa Elementary School cafeteria. Annual house keeping items will be addressed as well as a presentation on Kaena Point.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m.
Submitted by: Kazuaki McArthur, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Mike Lyons, Chair