Koolauloa Neighborhood Board discusses Sustainable Communities Plan, set backs for wind farms
The Koolauloa Neighborhood Board held their regular monthly meeting on November 17, 2010 at the Hauula Community Center.
Fire safety tips, city monthly reports, and October statistics were discussed.
Discussion about the Koolauloa Sustainable Communities Plan draft revisions, and the lack of set backs for wind farms, which are being built along the the North Shore followed. Board business included a Fort Drum Road presentation and discussion about the boards up-coming recess.
Community concerns included speed limit issues and discussion about the controversial Envision Laie development.
Full meeting minutes follow below:
Koolauloa Neighborhood Board No. 28
CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Les Steward called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m., with a quorum of six (6) members present. Note: This 11 member Board requires six (6) members to establish a quorum and take official Board action.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT – Junior Primacio, Kela Miller (departed at 8:00 p.m.), Les Steward, Richard Fale (arrived at 6:25 p.m.), Moana Kalua`u, Dotty Kelly-Paddock, and Creighton Mattoon (departed at 7:45 p.m.).
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT – John Elkington, Norman Kaluhiokalani, and Dee Dee Letts.
GUESTS – Mike Egami (U.S. Army), Judy Lou, Marvin Iseke, John Kahawa, Jr., Zeni Iese, Diana M. Hoppe, Lt. Lanier (U.S. ARMY), Acting Capt. Edwin Nishi (Honolulu Fire Department – Hau`ula), Amy Bugala (U.S. Army Garrison-HI Public Affairs Office), Jeff Tian, Steve Hoag (Hawaii Reserves Inc.), May Chechetts (Bringham Young University Hawaii), Kent Fonoimoana (Kahuku Community Association), Michael S., KC Connors, Choon James, Bobby Aki (Polynesian Cultural Center), Kathryn Heath, Bryan Mick (Office of the Mayor), Maureen Malanaphy, John Olszowka, Lea Albert (Department of Education), Travis Overly (`Aina Ono Farm Stands), Representative Jessica Wooley, Senator Clayton Hee, Dave Amodo and Dayton Oshiro (videographers), Nola J. Frank (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – Acting Captain E. Nishi reported the following:
October 2010 Statistics –
Hauula – Fire included 2 rubbish, 1 vehicle; emergencies included 15 medical; 1 search/rescue/ 2 miscellaneous calls.
Kaaawa – Fire included 1 rubbish, 1 vehicle; emergency responses included 13 medical and 2 search/rescue calls
Kahuku – Included 3 rubbish and 1 vehicle fire; emergency responses included 9 medical, 1 search/rescue, and 1 miscellaneous call.
Fire Safety Tip – A) Consider a fire-resistant artificial Christmas tree. If purchasing a real tree, choose one as fresh as possible, keep it hydrated, and away from heat sources. Use non-combustible materials for decorations and do not overload extension cords. B) When cooking if you must leave the stove even for a few minutes, turn it off. Unattended cooking is the number one cause of home fires. Keep children away from cooking areas. C) The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) discourages the use of outdoor gas-fueled turkey fryers. Further information can be found on www.nfpa.org. D) Share your home escape plan and the designated meeting place outside the home with visiting guests.
Questions, comments, concerns followed:
Mahalo – HFD and Emergency Services were thanked for their quick response and professional manner in responding to an emergency at a Board member’s home.
Kahuku Area Without Water on October 28, 2010 – If an area is without water an HFD water truck is dispatched. Follow up will be done.
Comments – A) A member of the audience who lives on a street where address are not visible asked what should the community do when and HFD truck is going up and down the street looking for an address. He noted that he asked the responders if they needed help but got no reply. Capt. Nishi said that the community may offer assistance. B) It is required by law that addresses be visible to responders, but difficult to enforce. C) It was suggested to convert the truck’s Global Positioning System (GPS) to include the tax map key.
6:25 p.m. Fale arrived; 7 members present. Vice Chair Steward relinquished the gavel to Chair Fale.
Mayor Peter Carlisle’s Representative – Bryan Mick reported the following:
Hau`ula Beach Park Group Campsite Conversion – The group site was not converted to individual camp sites; individual camp sites existed along with the group site. When Ko`kololio Beach Park was purchased and developed, the plan was to move the group site to this beach park. Due to the demand for group camping, both sites were kept open. The closure of the group site at Hau`ula Beach Park was due to erosion of the old pavilion area, lack of parking and the reduction of open space for campers. Parties were notified in March 2010 that the last group camping reservation would be for the Labor Day weekend in September 2010.
Could the Public Advisory Committee (PAC) be Elected rather than Appointed – The Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) utilizes project advisory committees to assist and provide the department and its consultant with a community-based perspective for its planning projects. DPP strives to create a balanced committee, and members are usually identified based on their reputation, previous community work, and willingness to provide input and ideas for the course of the update process. There is no process in place for the public to elect project advisory committee members.
Appropriate Setbacks for Wind Farms – The Land Use Ordinance (LUO) Sections 21 – 4.60(c) (7) and 21.5.700 (a) impose a minimum setback from all property lines equal to the fully extended vertical height of the proposed wind machine(s). Requests to allow a wind farm generally require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) as a utility installation, Type B, power generation). Adequate setbacks from nearby and surrounding uses are evaluated as part of the CUP process. Currently there are no locally established, adopted, or even commonly recognized minimum setback requirements for wind farms from other uses. However, potential impacts due to noise, light flicker, and other relevant issues will be thoroughly evaluated, based on the specific proposal, site characteristics, character of the surrounding neighborhood, etc., as part of the analysis of the CUP request for a proposed wind farm. This is reviewed in advance of a CUP application as part of an Environmental Assessment (EA).
Ko`olauloa Sustainable Plan Draft Revisions – While respectful of the PAC perspective and recommendations, DPP is responsible for submitting its recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council, based on all considerations, not just PAC input. Envision Laie’s proposal is included in the Public Review Draft (distributed last month). In response to the strong community support received, the draft responds to the overwhelming concern for more affordable housing in the region.
Power of the Transit Authority and Funding Mechanisms to have Access – The Public Transit Authority shall have the power to acquire property on behalf of the City by purchase, lease, eminent domain or otherwise for construction, maintenance, repair, operation or expansion of the fixed guide-way system, provided that therefore initiating such acquisitions, the Authority will notify the City Council in writing, with a list of the parcels to be acquired. The board will set rates and changes for the fixed guide-way system so that those revenues, in conjunction with the revenues from the generating properties of the authority, will support the fixed guide-way system and the authority itself.
Questions, comments and concerns:
Hau`ula Beach Park – A) Board member Kelly-Paddock reported that the community met with THE Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Director Les Chang and was assured that camping would continue. A list of community recommendations was given to Director Chang. Follow up will be done. B) Families have been camping in the park for years, and asked when was the notice about camping posted. Follow up will be done.
Board’s Agendas and Minutes – A member of the audience raised concern about this Board’s agendas and minutes; no specifics were given. It was noted that latest posting of the agenda and minutes on the website missed the Midweek’s deadline. Mick explained that the minutes were posted on the website last Friday, and could not be posted due to computer glitches.
Ko`olauloa Sustainable Community Plan – A comment was that at the October 6, 2010 meeting, DPP Director Tanoue said that the former Hannemann Administration had asked that Envision Laie be put back in the plan. Follow up will be done for clarification.
Ko`kololio Beach Park Gates Kept Open – A request for investigation and services report (RISR) was received from Councilmember Dela Cruz asking that the gates remain open. It was reported that the intent is to keep the gates open during the summer months.
Safety Concern in Punalu`u – City crews cleaning the culverts and mouths of the streams have been asked to stop due to ocean pollution.
City Council Meetings Viewed on `Olelo – Viewing of City Council meetings are backed up on `Olelo on demand to June 2010.
Widening of Kamehameha Highway – Concern was expressed that the DPP Director David Tanoue does not consider the merit of any development resulting with power of the environment. However, Kamehameha Highway is under State jurisdiction.
Hau`ula Campsite Report – A copy of the report was requested.
Ko`kololio Park –The intent is to keep the gates open during the summer months.
Councilmember Reed Matsuura – Michael Sakata reported the following: On November 8, 2010, Reed Matsuura was appointed to the City Council to fill the remainder of the term of former councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz, who is now with the State Senate. As a Councilmember he will continue to make constituent’s needs the top priority of the Council District II office. Please call 768-5002 /fax 768-5035 / email – [email protected] regarding City issues.
Questions, comments and concerns: Kaipapau Stream Replacement – Follow up will be done whether this bridge would be temporarily fixed or replaced..
Councilmember Elect Ernie Martin – No representative or report.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – Barry Usagawa reported the following:
Water Main Breaks – No water main breaks reported for the month of October 2010.
O`ahu Potable Pumpage – As of November 13, 2010, 140.5 million gallon per day was pumped.
2010 – 2011 Xeriscape Halawa Garden Workshop Schedule – The Halawa Xeriscape Garden is pleased to announce the 2010 – 2011 Saturday Xeriscape Workshop Schedule. These fun and educational workshops are held at the BWS Halawa Xeriscape Garden. The Holiday Wreath workshop is scheduled for Saturday, November 27, 2010. To check out the exciting list of classes being offered visit www.boardofwatersupply.com.
Water Meter Maintenance – BWS is responsible for the maintenance of water meters and it is important that you keep the meter box area clear of grass and debris to be easily accessed by crews if needed. If a leak is noticed in your water meter or need to shut off water service for any reason, please do not attempt any repairs or modifications to the meter boxy yourself; call 748-5000.
Questions, comments and concerns:
No Water in Kahuku – Follow up will be done as to why the Kahuku area had no water on October 28, 2010
BWS Hau`ula Site – It was asked that being the site is in an high area on public land, would it be possible to use some of the area to store emergency supplies. Matson Shipping has offered a free container to store the emergency supplies. Follow up will be done due to the area having reservoirs, under high security, and no public access.
Settlement Between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the City – A consent decree has been reached with an increase in rates of 25% over the next 20 years. Only City owned sewers will be affected.
Sacred Falls Reservoir – The reservoir was vandalized and is scheduled for repairs early next year.
Maintaining of Indoor Water Use – Check flow meters in the spigots for leaks. Average water usage is 50 % indoors and outdoors..
Water Meter Leak – BWS is responsible for the repair if the leak is from the BWS property line to the street.
Approval of October 17, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes – Miller moved, Steward seconded ADOPTING the October 17, 2010 regular meeting minutes by UNANIMOUS CONSENT 7-0-0 (AYE: Primacio, Miller, Steward, Fale, Kalua`u. Kelly-Paddock, Mattoon), with the following corrections:
Page 2, item 2, last discussion should read, “…Treasurer Miller reported expenses in the Operating Account were $40.32 leaving a balance of $524.00…”
Page 5, fifth bullet, 2nd sentence should read, “…Steve Hoag replied that the treatment plant is in the process to be dedicated to the City for free. Plans to dedicate this state of the art plant started with the Harris Administration, and eventually the Hannemann Administration agreed to accept.
Discussion of Ko`olauloa Neighborhood Board Recesses – Chair Fale reported that according to the Neighborhood Plan Boards are allowed three (3) recesses per year, and that this Board normally recesses in December. Hearing no objection, this item was deferred until later in the meeting.
Fort Drum Road Presentation – Michael Egami presented the following: Located five (5) miles above Kamehameha Highway, Drum Road is a one lane dirt road to get soldiers from the Kawailoa area to Kahuku, so as not to impact the public roadway. It is impossible to pass on this road. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved a vehicle clearance in 2002. Construction started in 2006 and was completed in 2010.The 23 miles of road is paved in most areas starting at the Helemano Plantation. The Kahuku Training Area consists of almost 10,000 acres. Training is based on company size and includes helicopter drops/pick ups. There is a facility building replicating a town on the site for training, escape tunnels, etc.
Questions, comments and concerns:
Comment – The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) owns a three mile stretch off of Drum Road that is graded with gravel, but gave no permission to pave on the easement.
Field Trip – What is the possibility of the community using the road during an emergency. A visit to the area by community members was requested.
Night Safety – The road has hazardous conditions at night. Also, some of the guardrails and curbs are not up to State Department of Transportation (DOT) standards.
Cost of Road – The cost is approximately $70 million to construct and reconstruct.
Use of Area – Drum Road is a multi used facility (Federal Bureau of Investibation, Marines, etc.).
Ko`kololio Park Gate Hours – Deferred.
Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Funding – It was recommended that a priority list from the Board regarding CIP projects be submitted to Councilmember Matsuura as soon as possible to be included in the budget. Chair Fale asked that three priority items be submitted from the Kahuku, Laie, Hau`ula, and Kaaawa areas. However, said there is no guaranteed for funding. Please email all recommendations to the chair.
Speed Limit – A) It was suggested that the speed limit fronting the Polynesian Cultural Center and the Hukilau Beach area be reduced to 25 miles per hour. B) A status report from DOT was requested noting that speed limits be reduced.
Koolaupoko Sustainable Communities Plan – Comments – 1) The inclusion of Envision La`ie into the plan was approved by DPP Director David Tanoue. 2) At a hearing this issue was addressed by DPP, Zoning Committee members, and the City Council felt that no violations were committed. The Sunshine Law does not apply to meetings held in secrecy.
New Board Committee – It was asked if a committee could be formed to include organic agriculture. Chair Fale said that a sub-committee could be created and chaired by Board member Primacio.
Comments Regarding Meetings – A) A member of the audience disagreed about how meetings are held, noting that people with money and power have better avenues to get doors open on important issues. B)
Comments were expressed in which the manner of neighborhood board meetings are conducted regarding agenda items. Chair Fale asked for specifics, none were given
Board Meeting Conduct Reminder – Chair Fale reminded everyone if concerns are raised please allow the respondent to answer the question. One must be recognized by the chair before speaking. A member of the audience took offense and questioned why someone at tonight’s meeting was responding to a question without being recognized, stating that at last month’s meeting he was not allowed to ask his question.
Envision La`ie – Concern was raised that if Envision Laie becomes a reality, the local community would be squeezed out of housing areas and jobs. Per a recent BYU newspaper, the number of students attending BYU will be increasing.
8:05 p.m. Miller departed the meeting at this time; six (6) members present.
City Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) Reappointment of Director – Several comments were shared regarding the reappointment of David Tanoue as Director of DPP; Tanoue’s position would be up for confirmation by the full City Council on November 22, 2010. Additional comments include that it is common practice that DPP staff members meet with private individuals outside of the Public Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings. Hawaii Reserves, Inc. and BYU had several meetings without community input. Transparency is important.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Kalua`u reported October 2010 Operating Account expenditures were $39.64, leaving a balance of $485.00; Publicity Account expenditure was $250.00 (August 2010 videotaping), leaving a balance of $1,821.00.
Representative Jessica Wooley – Rep. Wooley reported the following:
Letter to State Department of Transportation (DOT) – Suggested that a letter be sent to DOT listing the specific areas where the speed limit should be reduced.
Proposed Bills – Proposed bills will be focused on the Hau`ula Homestead homes and flooding in the area; and CIP stimulus initiative.
Walls to Protect the Roadway for High Surf – Walls to prevent waves from coming onto the roadway in Kaaawa will be proposed.
Questions, comments and concerns:
Agriculture Incubator Program – Information about the agriculture incubator program at U. H. not getting out to the community.
Ko`olauloa Sustainable Plan – A copy of the legislature’s November 7, 2010 vote on the Ko`olauloa Sustainable Plan was requested.
House of Representative Committees – Rep. Wooley now Chairs the Judiciary /Labor Committee.
Senator Clayton Hee – Senator Hee reported the following:
Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) - Agreed with Rep. Wooley to assist with the CIP stimulus initiative.
Rainy Day Fund – The Rainy Day Fund will be released on December 7, 2010.
Senate Organization – The Senate is organized with the Representatives still reorganizing.
School Issues – Working with Lea Albert (Department of Education) on school issues.
Questions, comments and concerns:
Budget Deficit – The budget was discussed at a meeting with the Governor elect Abercrombie.
Film Industry – Last year was a record year for the film industry and the State Department of Budget, Economics, Development and Tourism (DBEDT). There should be a connection to film industry and for local communities with acting talents.
Department of Education (DOE) –
Visit http://www.hawaiidoereform.org/ for more information relating to Race to the Top projects.
Kahuku High School – a) The Junior Varsity football team too champions. b) The girls volley ball team took the O`ahu Interscholastic Association (OIA) championship. c) Windward District History Day will be held in February 2011.
Ka`a`a`wa Elementary School – Hearing no objection, this item will be removed from the agenda.
Kahuku Community /School Library – Application for the December 4, 2010 Gunstock Ranch one mile fun run were available.
U. S. Army – Major E. Powers reported the following:
Outreach Opportunities Lead by the O`ahu Army Natural Resources staff– (a) November 18 – Volunteer service trip to Kahanahaiki.( b) Volunteer Service trip to Palikea November 23.
Deployment Ceremony – 25th Infantry Division Headquarters Ceremony November 24, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. on Sills Field, Schofield Barracks.
Tree Lighting Ceremonies – Dates for tree lighting ceremonies were announced.
Native Hawaiian Covenant and Advisory Council – The Distinguished Lecture Series is an ongoing program to bring Army families information about Hawaiian culture and history.
Marine Corps/U. S. Army – Major Alan Crouch reported the following:
Events taking place in November/December 2010 – 1) November 18 – Alternative Fuel (E-85 Pump ribbon-cutting Ceremony on base. 2) November 19 – Headquarters Battalion hike around the base with donated food for homeless families. 3) November 20 – Turkey Trot 10K run; open to the public. 4) November 27 – 36th Annual Toys for Tots Car Cruise. 5) December 4-5 – Special Olympics Holiday Classic on base. 6) December 5 – Memorial event at the former Marine Corps Air Station Ewa. 7) December 7 – Remembrance ceremony on base at the Klipper Memorial. 8) December 8 – Net Zero energy house grand opening on base. 9) December 10 – U. S. Marine Forces Pacific Band will participate in the 3rd Annual Na Mele on na Keiki concert at the Blaisdell Concert Hall; free and open to the public.
Deployments – Deployed are HMH-362 Battalion: 3rd Marine Regiment (returning next month); Combat Logistics Battalion 3; plus other detachments and individual augmentees. 2/3 deployed last week to Afghanistan. VP (Navy Squad) is returning this week and VP-4 is expected to deploy in their place.
Hau`ula Community Report –
HELP Team – On 11/9 a Presentation was made by Maria Lutz re State Red Cross Disaster Services on training & services they can provide. We need more volunteers for Red Cross Services in Hauula. Please call Burt to Volunteer. His number is 293-0820. Red Cross will provide us with training in mid January. Don’t forget to get on the list so you are notified of the date.
Hau’ula Ahupua’a Hui (HAH) Presentation on the E Alu Pu Conference was made by Maureen Malanaphy and Umi Jensen, who went to the Big Island to the Conference to represent Hau’ula’s Ahupua’a Hui. Many other groups were there to share what they had learned. Maureen and Umi won a prize to have a consultant spend a day with us on developing a non-profit application. This application process will start in December 2010/January 2011. If you want to join the group please call Dotty at 255-6944. Volunteer. His number is 293-0820. Red Cross will provide us with training in mid January. Don’t forget to get on the list so you are notified of the date.
We need to be good stewards of our ocean and reefs. We need to do a baseline to see the status of our ocean, reef and the land. NOAA has funding to help us do theses things. People are taking our corals and rocks from our ocean and beaches. We need ocean watchers! We need to call and stop this! We can also help take better care of our beaches and parks. The Ahupua’a Hui meets monthly…please join us and help out! Call Dotty at 255-6944 to sign up.
HCA By-Laws Revision- Barbara & Dotty will meet to make recommended revisions.
HCA Non-Profit Application- Maureen, Umi & Dotty will meet to work on a non-profit application for Hauula. If anyone else would like to support this effort, please give Dotty a call at 255-6944.
Ko’olauloa Sustainable Communities Plan Update- Barbara Kahana reminded everyone that there would be a meeting Dec. 7 at Kahuku. This meeting starts at 6:30 PM but come early to get seating in the café.
It is critical for the future of Koolauloa that everyone participate. This meeting is an open public comment session held by Dept. of Planning and Permitting for community members in Ko`olauloa to comment on the DRAFT of the Ko`olauloa Sustainable Communities Plan. Anyone can testify. There will probably be a 3 minute limit for each person’s comments. You can also comment in writing and bring this to the meeting Dec. 7 or you can comment online at www.honoluludpp.org. Barbara suggested that even if you are unsure whether or not the “Envision Laie” project is necessary, we should all ask the hard questions about how “Envision Laie” would be paid for including all the infrastructure changes needed to accommodate it such as too much traffic on Kam Highway! If Kam Highway is widened (as Department of Planning & Permitting Director, Tanoue suggested) how would that impact all the communities along that route??? There are also many concerns about traffic, sewage, run-off and where the water will come from to support this new town? How is this all going to be funded? There are concerns about “what is affordable housing?” can people really afford what will be proposed…will it be $300,000-$400,000 1000-1200 sq ft. units without yards or other typical single family home amenities? That the affordable housing proposed is only for members of the LDS Church…how is that legal!? So please come and ask your questions Dec.7. This may be your only opportunity…don’t wait till the bulldozers start taking the country out of the country!
Park Coalition Report – Meeting Minutes attached to the report.
Hau’ula Neighborhood Security Watch Team – There are about 30 people signed up to be a part of the Security Watch for Hau’ula. We will be setting a date soon for a Security Watch March that will focus on trouble spots. Please watch for the date. T-Shirts will be handed out at our next HCA Meeting.
1. November 22, 2010, Neighborhood Board Commission Contested Cases/Sanctions, 7:00 p.m. hearing at Honolulu Hale, council committee Hearing Room 2nd floor.
2. December 6, 2010 7, 2010, Sustainable Communities Plan – Public Comment Meeting, sponsored by the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP), Kahuku High School, at 6:30 p.m.
Recess – Board recess in December. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 13, 2011, Hau`ula Community Center from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Broadcast – Videotape of Board meetings are scheduled to be aired on `Olelo Channel 49, Wednesday’s at 9:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT- The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Submitted by Nola J. Frank
Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by Richard Fale