Childhood health and traffic issues discussed at Mililani Board meeting
The Mililani/Waipio/Melemanu Neighborhood Board held its regular monthly meeting in October. The board discussed a variety of issues over the course of the two hour meeting.
City monthly reports were presented, and meeting attendees also addressed traffic concerns in Mililani Town.
During the meeting board member Rodney Park, on behalf on Will Kane of the Mililani Town Association, thanked the more than 400 volunteers, area representatives and senators for participating in this graffiti paint out for National Make a Difference Day.
A certificate of recognition and lei was presented to Ann Thornock for her many years of outstanding service as a State and local government community liaison and spokesperson. Another certificate of recognition and lei was presented to Shari-Lynn Murphy of the Mililani Public Library on the occasion of their 26th anniversary.
It was announced that Mililani is one of 12 Oahu neighborhoods to have been randomly selected to participate in an the National Children’s Study, the largest long-term study of children’s health in the United States, designed to help find answers to childhood problems such as asthma, autism,obesity and diabetes. The University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Study Center, part of the John A. Burns School of Medicine, is one of only 37 study centers around the country selected to begin the initial phases of research. On October 1, 2010 postcards were sent to every household in the study areas. Recruitment of women who are or may become pregnant begins on October 18, 2010. The 12 neighborhoods inlcude Ewa, Kaimuki, Kailua, Kalihi, Makiki, Mililani, Salt Lake, Schofield Barracks, Wai`anae, Waipahu, Hauula, and the airport area. The study will follow children from birth until age 21.
Complete meeting minutes are below.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Dick Poirier called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m., with a quorum of 19 members; and led those present in the pledge of allegiance. Note: This 23 member Board requires 12 members for a quorum and to take official Board action.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Danielle Bass, William Bass, S. Shayne Chung Ann Freed, Shannon Garan, Keith Hamada, Dennis Imamura, Pua Iuli, Karen Loomis, Joy Marshall, Rodney Park, Dick Poirier, Charlie Remington, Carole Siegel, Tony Solis, Resa Tsuneyoshi, Douglas Thomas, Shareef Wang, Jessie Weinberger, and Alvin Wong.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Josie Kaanehe, William Maglinti, and Mary Segura.
VACANCIES – There are no vacancies at this time.
GUESTS: Captain Ozzie Smith (25 CAB Schofield), Jenny Mida (YMCA), Lambert Yamashita (AECOM), Jocelyn Yamashita (AECOM), Joycelyn Tamashiro (NAVFAC), Ann Thornock, Debra Perry, Representative Marilyn Lee, FF3 Ricci Keltz (Honolulu Fire Department, Engine 36 – Mililani), Captain Robert Main (Honolulu Fire Department Administrative Office), Cheryl Kozai (Pali Momi Medical Center), Senator Michelle Kidani, Lori Kunioka (Office of Councilmember Nestor Garcia), Representative Ryan Yamane, Shari-Lynn Murphy (Mililani Public Library), Scott Ishikawa (Honolulu Rail Transit), Dave Amodo and Dayton Oshiro (videographers), Nola J. Frank (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 22, 2010 – Without objection, the regular meeting minutes of September 22, 2001 was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 19 – 0 – 0 (AYE: D. Bass, W. Bass, Chung, Freed, Garan, Hamada, Imamura, Iuli, Loomis, Marshall, Park, Poirier, Remington, Segura, Siegel, Solis, Tsuneyoshi, Thomas, Wang, Wong), with the following additions/corrections:
Agenda should read. “…Next Meeting – Wednesday, November 24, 2010 …”
Members present add, “…Tony Solis…”
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – Firefighter 3 Ricci Keltz reported the following:
September 2010 Statistics – Fires included 3 structure, 7 wildland, 1 rubbish (Mililani High School); emergencies included 40 medical, 6 search/rescue, and 3 rubbish cans at Mililani High School and one shopping cart at 16 Acres at the same time.
Fire Safety Tip: A) Enjoy family celebrations during the holiday season with the following helpful firewise tips: Consider a fire-resistant, artificial Christmas tree. If purchasing a real tree choose one that is fresh, keep it hydrated and away from heat sources. . Use noncombustible materials for decorations. Choose only Underwriter’s laboratory-approved electrical decorations and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and usage. Do not overload extension cords. B) If you must leave the stove while cooking, even for a few minutes, turn it off. Unattended cooking is the number one cause of home fires. Have a metal lid ready to cover grease fires in pans. Never wear long, loose-sleeved clothing while cooking. Turn the handles on pots and pans inward to prevent accidents. Keep children away from cooking areas. C) Turkey fryers can be very dangerous. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) discourages the use of outdoor gas-fueled turkey fryers that immerse the poultry I hot oil because the fryers are not suitable for acceptably safe use even by a well-informed and careful consumer. Further information can be found on the NFPA website at; using the search engine, type in “turkey
fryers.” D) When hosting overnight guests, share the home escape plan with them, including the designated meeting place outside the home.
HFD Koa Ridge Waiawa – Capt. Robert Main reported the Koa Ridge/Waiawa Development was approved by the Land Use Commission (LUC). HFD’s Administrative Services has requested that the Central Oahu Public Infrastructure maps be upgraded to include a fire station with this development. It mentioned that the Board should have received a packet from the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) in August. Public comments and input are welcome.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Lt. Benjamin Ballesteros reported the following:
September 2010 Statistics – Included 14 burglaries, 17 unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle, 18 thefts, 7 auto thefts, 1 auto theft recovery, and 1 graffiti.
Military – Captain Ozzie Smith reported the following:
Survivor Outreach Service (SOS) Family Center Dedication – On October 13, 2010 the newly renovated Aloha Center at Fort Shafter Families of Fallen Soldiers of U.S. Army, Hawaii and of the Pacific who died while on active duty was dedicated. The new facility is the first in the Hawaii Pacific serving all three army components Active Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserve Gold Star Families of the fallen. The center has been given the Hawaiian name “Hali`a Aloha” which means cherished or loving memory; to remember fondly.
Veterans Day Parades – Soldiers from the 25th Infantry Division will be participating in the Waianae Military Civilian Advisory Council (WMCAC) Veterans Day Parade on November 6, 2010; and the Wahiawa Lions Veterans Day parade on November 11, 2010.
25th Infantry Division, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team Deployment – The 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, is currently serving a yearlong Iraq deployment. Approximately 3,800 soldiers from the brigade are deployed as an Advise and Assist Brigade in support of Operation New Dawn in Northern Iraq. They are at the forefront of training and empowering the Iraq Security Forces.
Vehicle Decal Policy Change – For the latest information concerning vehicle registration, installation access and road closures, visit USAG-HI’s Web site at:
Army School Partnership Program – The Army’s Joint Venture Education Forum (JVEF) School Partnership Program is partnered with 51 Hawaii public schools. The FY10 funding has been spent, and waiting for the next set of funds to be released in November 2010. All 51 schools will receive funds for the program this school year.
Noise Complaints – Please refer noise and dust complaints to Ms. Kayla Overton, Community Relations,
U. S. Army Garrison-Hawaii at 656-3159.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – A representative was not present; a report was not available
Honolulu Rail Transit (HRT) – Scott Ishikawa circulated a handout and reported the following:
On November 2nd O`ahu voters will be asked to vote on a proposed amendment to the city Charter. Its passage will lead to the establishment of a public transit authority to govern the activities of the Honolulu Rail Transit Project. Voters will have the opportunity to decide whether public transit authority should be established.
Questions, comments and concerns:
If unsuccessful decisions would be made by the City Council.
The authority would look at contracts involving the large amount of money involved.
Other Community Concerns –
Second Annual Reindeer Fun Run 5K – Sponsored by the Mililani YMCA and Mililani Town Association, this fun run will take place on Sunday, December 19, 2010, 7:30 a.m. at Mililani District Park. All profits go to the top three (3) public schools with the most support.
Questions, comments and concerns: 1) Approximately 310 people participated last year. 2) Cost fee per participant is 5 – 18 years $15, over 18 $25, and race day $35.
“Make a Difference Day” – On behalf on Will Kane of the Mililani Town Association, Board member Rodney Parked thanked the more than 400 volunteers, area representatives and senators for participating in this graffiti paint out.
Recognition Awards –
Ann Thornock – A certificate of recognition and lei was presented to Ann Thornock for her many years of outstanding service as a State and local government community liaison and spokesperson. Her dedication and commitment to the continued well-being of Mililani community is appreciated by the residents of Central Oahu.
Mililani Public Library – A certificate of recognition and lei was presented to Shari-Lynn Murphy on the occasion of their 26th anniversary. The continuing and outstanding work of her dedicated staff in serving the residents of the Mililani area these many years is appreciated.
Update on Kapi`olani Medical Center at Pali Momi – Cheryl Kozai reported the following: In recognition of the progress Pali Momi has made over the past 20 years, from a community hospital to a regional leader, the hospital name has been simplified as Pali Momi Medical Center; and remains an affiliate of Hawaii Pacific Health.
Honouliuli/Waipahu/Pearl City Wastewater Facilities Plan – Lambert Yamashita reported the following:
Plan – The City Department of Environmental Services (ENV) is in the process of preparing the Honouliuli/ Waipahui/PearlCity Wastewater Facilities Plan, which is an update to the West Mamala Bay Facilities Plan (2001) for the Honouliuli Sewershed. The sewershed encompasses the areas including Halawa, Aiea, Pearl City, Waipio, Waikele, Waipahu, Ewa, Kapolei, and Mililani flowing into the Honoluliuli Wastewater treatment Plant). The updated plan will focus on technology for construction Gravity Sewer Tunnel systems for the conveyance and storage of wastewater flows. The plan will detail the development of design concepts for the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) aimed at minimizing sanitary sewer overflows, to comply with regulatory mandates from the State Department of Health (DOH), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and to meet the future needs for wastewater management.
Alternatives Under Consideration – a) Additional gravity sewer (relief sewers). b) Peak flow storage tanks at pump stations. c) Increased and additional pump station force mains. d) Pump station capacity expansions, modifications, replacement/rehabilitation and relocations. e) Gravity Sewer Tunnel to replace some pump stations and provide peak flow storage. f) Upgrade and expansion of the wastewater treatment plant to secondary treatment.
Key Dates – a) July 23, 2010, Final Environmental Assessment (EA)/EISPN Publication date. b) August 22, 2010, End of EA/EISPN comment period. c) February 7, 2011-tentative, Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Publication Date. d) April 8, 2011-tentative, End of EIS comment period. e) September 7, 2011-tentative, Final EIS and project completion.
Comments – Send comments to AECOM, attention Lambert Yamashita, P.E., 1001 Bishop Street, Suite 1600, Honolulu, HI 96813.
Questions – Contact Rosehill & associates, attention Linda Rosehill, 1088 Bishop Street, Suite 1010, Honolulu, HI 96813; phone (808) 536-2611; or visit
Questions, comments and concerns: The current wastewater treatment plant capacity is 35 million gallons daily (mgd). The ultimate capacity for a large tank is about 50 mgd.
National Children’s Study – Beatrice Rodriguez updated the following:
The University of Hawaii (U.H.) researchers announced today the launch of the National Children’s Study which is the largest long-term study of children’s health in the United States. The UH Manoa Study Center at the John A. Burns School of Medicine is one of only 37 study centers around the country selected to begin the initial phases of research. Twelve Oahu neighborhoods have been randomly selected to participate in this unprecedented study, designed to help find answers to childhood problems such as asthma, autism,obesity and diabetes. Starting October 1, 2010 postcards will be sent to every household in the study areas. Recruitment of women who are or may become pregnant begins on October 18, 2010. The 12 neighborhoods are Ewa, Kaimuki, Kailua, Kalihi, Makiki, Mililani, Salt Lake, Schofield Barracks, Wai`anae, Waipahu, Hau`ula, and the airport area. The study will follow children from birth until age 21. For more information log on to or phone the John A. Burns School of Medicine at 587-4880.
Questions, comments and concerns: 1) Ipods and cell phone may be provided. 2) Developing Trends – The data will be analyzed and recommendations will be made when a child is about five years old. 3) Ethnicity and Culture – Ethnicity and culture and the affects will be analyzed. 4) It was noted that Hawaiians are and individual group, but are listed under Asians, which is a big difference. 5) Request – Rodriguez was asked if she could report updates to the Board annually.
8:28 p.m. Jessie Weinberger arrived; 20 members present.
Update on Hickam Petroleum, POL site ST03 and Upcoming Mililani Field Work – Joycelyn Tamashiro reported the following:
Pipeline – The 28 miles fuel pipeline system runs from Hickam AFB to Wheeler Army Airfield, was taken out of service in 1993 and when cleaned contamination was found at ST03.
Phase 2 – Remedial Investigation (RI) at this site was conducted in September and October 2009. At this time lateral extend of fuel in contaminated soil was defined (84 ground surfaces). The vertical extend of fuel contamination could not be defined. The initial bioventing (injecting air into the ground) pilot test to treat contaminated soil was successful.
Phase 2 Treatability Study Scheduled for late October/November 2010 – The system is designed to treat fuel-impacted soil concentrations exceeding State action levels. Shoulder work to install remediation system will occur with no lane closures.
Phase 3-Activities – Include drilling of 2 borings east of Kamehameha Highway, and 1 boring in the drainage ditch on the west. Drilling of 1 groundwater well on east side of Kamehameha Highway and 1 well near Kipapa military gate entrance. Up to 4 optional borings may be installed in the vicinity of site ST03 on private property. Most work locations are on State Highway right-of-way and City & County property. Adjacent property owners will be notified individually. Remediation system may be expanded to treat fuel-impacted soils.
Phase 3 Traffic Control – Work begins along Kamehameha Highway in January 2011 during non-commute hours only (8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.); 1 southbound lane closed for ramp work and drilling (5 days); 1 northbound lane closed during drilling (4 days). Downgradient well installation near Kipapa military gate (Anania Drive) non-commute hours only (8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.); lane closure and/or shoulder work on residential streets (locations to be announced).
Pipeline Ownership – On October 1, 2001 Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard (PHNSY) and Hickam Air Force Base joined together. PHNSY now owns the pipeline.
More Information – A) Work plan and updates on schedules and results are available online at B) Restoration Advisory Board meetings are held quarterly. C) Contact Jocelyn Tamashiro (Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam) [email protected] or call her at 449-3193.
Questions, comments and concerns: There are over 500 ground wells; cost for the wells is approximately $4 million.
Mayor Peter Carlisle’s Representative – Tofi Mika, Jr. reported the following:
Left Turn onto Lanikuhana Avenue outside of Ruby Tuesdays – The intent of the “No Left Turn” from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday signs is for motorists exiting the Mililani Town Center onto Lanikuhana Avenue. A study was completed by the City Department of Transportation Services (DTS) and found the signage is appropriately posted and clearly visible.
Kuahelani Avenue off of Kipapa Drive – DTS completed their study and will be striping three lanes in each direction along Kuahelani Avenue at Kipapa Drive. The lane use for both east and west bound Kuahelani Avenue will be changed from left turn only/optional straight – right to left turn/straight/right turn movements at Kipapa Drive. A work order will be issued to revise the lane use after the required legal notice is published.
Follow up will be done on the following concerns:
1. Driver’s License Renewal Form – Onerous medical form for driver’s license renewal (14 pages) for person with disabilities; plus the procedure that amounts to discrimination.
2. Road Repairs – Will the City Department of Transportation Services (DTS) be doing road repairs in all of Mililani? Road patching is not working.
3. Homelessness – What are mayor Carlisle’s plans for the homeless?
4. Lanikuhana Avenue and Anania Drive – Left turn signal timing is off. Requesting traffic calming measures to reduce speeding and racing.
5. Speeding on Kipapa Drive – There is speeding on Kipapa Drive between the shopping center and Kipapa School by townhouse residents and patrons from the Shack racing in both directions.
Questions, comments, and concerns:
Left Turn Arrow from the Town Center Issue – HPD monitored the area in September. Concern was raised that cars exiting the town center are speeding to get to the right land after 3:30 p.m. It is a safety issue and more police presence is needed at this time to remind drivers of the restricted hours.
Request – Chair Poirier asked if Mayor Carlisle could attend the Board’s November meeting. If that is not possible, could a meeting be arranged?
Councilmember Nestor Garcia – Lori Kunioka distributed the written report and noted:
Mayoral Inauguration – Mayor Peter Carlisle was sworn into office on October 11, 2010, and held his formal Inauguration at Mission Memorial Theatre on October 22, 2010.
General Election 2010 – As a reminder, early general election voting began on October 19, 2010 and will continue through October 30, 2010 at Kapolei Hale, Honolulu Hale, and Windward Mall. These locations will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Remember to bring a valid ID to the early voting poll.
Charter Amendments – There are six (6) Charter Amendment questions on the general election ballot.
Council Legislation – A list of Council legislation was included in the written report.
Senator Michelle Kidani – Senator Kidani circulated a report and highlighted the following:
General Election – Everyone was encouraged to vote on November 2, 2010.
Mahalo – Representative Lee was thanked for assisting with visiting students from Mililani Ike Elementary School at the Capitol.
Mililani Town Association’s (MTA) “Make a Difference Day” – On Saturday, October 23, 2010 MTA organized a communal effort with local organizations and church groups to paint over unsightly graffiti throughout Mililani. Mahalo to the approximate 400 volunteers who participated.
Representative Ryan Yamane – Representative Yamane distributed a report, and encouraged everyone to get their flu shots.
Representative Marilyn Lee – Representative Lee circulated a report and highlighted the following:
Mililani Public Library Celebrating 26th Anniversary – The Mililani Public Library opened its doors on October 27, 1984. It is $10 per year to become a member. Visit the library and enjoy special events, music, and fun activities during this week. For more information call 627-7470.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Carol Siegel reported the Operating Account expenses was $97.58, leaving a balance of $520.00; with no expenditures at this time, the Publicity Account remains at $3,390.00.
Health & Safety/Public Health – Committee Chair Pua Iuli announced that October is Cancer Awareness month and encouraged all women to get a mammogram; and it was also encouraged to get a flu shot.
Recognition/Service Awards – Awards were presented earlier in the meeting.
Oahu Arts Center (OAC) – Committee Chair Ann Freed reported that the OAC will be sponsoring an Arts Festival at the Pauahi Arts Gallery from December 11, 2010 to January 8, 2011.
Chair’s Report:
Koa Ridge Hearings – The Koa Ridge hearings are finished. Board members Karen Loomis was commended for taking on this challenging issue. Joy Marshall, Ann Freed, and area State legislators were commended for testifying. Concurrency was lost to the State Office of Planning and the City Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP). The next phase is the state and county zoning; the Central Oahu Sustainable Plan has not been updated.
Recognition – Board member Tony Solis name was in the Star Advertiser Newspaper. Solis noted that the article was regarding his network and own television shows on the Public Television Network.
Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery – Board member Dani Bass is one of 150 participants invited to witness the final launch ON November 1, 2010. For more information about this program visit
Resolution Requesting that Further City & County of Honolulu Development Approvals in Leeward and Central Oahu Be Deferred pending the Overdue Revisions of the Ewa Development and Central Oahu Sustainable Communities Plans – Thomas moved, Siegel seconded that Neighborhood Board No. 25 requests that further City and County of Honolulu development approvals in Leeward and Central Oahu be deferred pending completion and adoption by ordinance of the overdue revisions of the Ewa Development and Central Oahu sustainable Communities plans.
Discussion followed: 1) Several Board members were in full support of the resolution. 2) Comment – This agricultural zoned land was purchased under false pretense.
The resolution was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 19-0-0 (AYE: D. Bass, W. Bass, Freed, Garan, Hamada, Imamura, Iuli, Loomis, Marshall, Park Poirier, Remington, Siegel, Solis, Tsuneyoshi, Thomas, Wang, Weinberger, Wong). (See below)
Next Board meeting will be on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 at Recreation Center III, at 7:30 p.m.
Broadcast – Videotape of Board meetings are scheduled to be shown on `Olelo Channel 54, Sundays at Noon.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
A Candidate Forum followed.
Submitted by: Reviewed by:
Nola J. Frank, Neighborhood Assistant Dick Poirier, Chair
WHEREAS, Central Oahu residents are concerned about both the necessity for and the number of developments proposed in Ewa and the adequacy of the regional infrastructure, both existing and proposed, to support such development if approved; and
WHEREAS, adding another 46,000 housing units in the Ewa plains as proposed in the Ewa Development Plan will severely impact all Leeward and Central Oahu residents who commute on H-1 and H-2, west and north of the H-1/H-2 merge; and
WHEREAS, adding another 20,000 housing units in Central Oahu, as proposed in the Central Oahu Sustainable Communities Plan, will severely impact Central Oahu commuter travel times to and from
Downtown and Kapolei as well as add to and further exacerbate Leeward commuter travel times to and from downtown Honolulu; and
WHEREAS, the City and County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting develops long range plans for Oahu’s eight planning areas, under the overall guidance of the Oahu General Plan.
WHEREAS, the long range plan for Central Oahu, the Central Oahu Sustainable Communities Plan (COSC), was adopted by the City Council in late 2002, while the Ewa Development Plan was adopted in 1997. Although each ordinance adopting the plans required an evaluation of the plans every five years, no 5-Year Review has been undertaken or completed for either the Ewa or COSC Plans since their initial adoption by the City Council in 1997 and 2002 respectively; and
WHEREAS, the 5-Year Reviews should examine whether changes are needed to the plans and how implementation of the plans’ vision and policies might be improved. Areas of analysis should include the irretrievable loss of remaining prime agricultural A & B lands in Leeward/Central Oahu; the availability of agricultural land with a view to self-sufficiency; whether the developments proposed for each region are needed; whether the projected commuter travel times of two hours each way to and from downtown Honolulu are acceptable to governmental decision-makers and Leeward /Central residents; the ability of existing and proposed transportation improvements for the region, including rail transit, to adequately accommodate all of the development allowed or proposed; how best to determine and apply service and facility design standards or level of service, also known as “concurrency,” guidelines for determining infrastructure adequacy in Leeward/Central Oahu; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED that Neighborhood Board No. 25 requests that further City & County of Honolulu development approvals in Leeward and Central Oahu be deferred pending completion and adoption by ordinance of the overdue revisions of the Ewa Development and Central Oahu Sustainable Communities plans; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Mayor of the City & County of Honolulu, all members of the Honolulu City Council, the Director of the City & County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting, the Director of the City & County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services; the City Planning Commission, the State Office of Planning, the State Land Use Commission, Leeward and Central Oahu area legislators, and all members of Leeward and Central Oahu Neighborhood Boards.
Adopted by Mililani-Waipio-Melemanu Neighborhood Board No. 25 at its regular meeting of October 27, 2010, by a vote of 19-0-0.