Wahiawa road work continues through the new year
WAHIAWA—Road work for the Wahiawa area for the week beginning January 2 has been scheduled by the Department of Design construction, Civil Division (Construction Management Branch), and Wastewater Division (Construction Management Branch). Road work is normally done between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Wahiawa with be undergoing rehabilitation of Unit 58 and California Avenue (Kamehameha Highway to the mauka end of California Avenue). Work includes cold planing; resurfacing and reconstruction of asphalt concrete pavement; adjustment of utility manhole frames and covers; installation of pavement markings and vehicle loop detectors; reconstruction of existing concrete curbs, gutters, berms, sidewalks, and driveways; and construction of concrete and asphalt concrete bus pads.
December 2011 has been estimated as the completion date.
For more information, contact (808) 768-8839.