Arnie Saiki
Barriers line the streets of Waikiki for the 2011 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) conference. Photo by Larry Darling
Fishing in rough waters off of Maui in 2006. Photo by Michael Sandoval
Above: A circa 1997 photo released by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution shows the robotic arm of a three-person submersible aquatic vehicle reaching toward a hydrothermal vent in the east Pacific Ocean far off the coast of Chile. Photo by Pat Hickey -- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Below: Ocean side of Funafuti atoll showing the storm dunes, the highest point on the atoll. Funafuti is an atoll that forms the capital of the island nation of Tuvalu. Photo by David Jones
Above: A great white shark herds small blue fin tuna in the Pacific Ocean. Photo by Niall Kennedy Below: Former U.S. President George W. Bush pauses during a trilateral APEC meeting in 2006 with then-Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and then-President Roh Moo-Hyun of the Republic of Korea. White House photo by Eric Draper