Hawaii State Budget


Hawaii’s fiscal year begins July 1 and runs through June 30. This is different from the Federal Fiscal year with runs from October 1 and ends September 30.

To view the Operating and Capital Budget—Statewide summary, click here

The total operating budget for FY 2012 is $10.8 billion.

The Department of Budget and Finance outlines the State budget process as such:

“The Governor shall submit a six-year program and financial plan, budget, and program memoranda to the Legislature in each odd-number year. The six-year program and financial plan and the budget are usually combined in a single document.

The budgets of the judicial and the legislative branches are submitted by their respective leaders to the Legislature for its consideration.

In each regular session in an even-numbered year, the Governor may submit to the Legislature a bill to amend any appropriation for operating expenditures of the current fiscal biennium, to be known as the supplemental appropriations bill.

In a session to which the Governor submits to the Legislature a supplemental appropriations bill, no other appropriations bill, except bills recommended by the Governor for immediate passage, or to cover the expenses of the Legislature, shall be passed on final reading until the supplemental appropriations bill has been transmitted to the Governor. To become law, a bill must pass three readings in each house on separate days.

Each bill passed by the Legislature shall be certified by the presiding officers and clerks of both houses and thereupon be presented to the Governor. If the Governor approves and signs the
bill, it becomes law. If the Governor does not approve a bill, the Governor may return it, with
the Governor’s objections, to the Legislature.”

Departments funded by the budget include Education, Human Resources, Land and Natural Resources, Transportation and the University of Hawaii, to name only a few.

The Department of Budget and Finance has highlights of different State departments and what their individual budgets are.

Before the Budget is voted on, it must go before the Senate Ways and Means Committee and the House Committee on Finance.

Session opens to budget concerns →

Treena Shapiro reports on the state legislature, which opens today to concerns about the budget. More at AP »

Abercrombie says new budget will make immediate impact without raising taxes
Gov. Neil Abercrombie and State Budget Director Kalbert Young submit the Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2013. Courtesy Photo